Continuing Education Seminars provide ongoing career-oriented education for professionals and traders through classroom courses, webinars, and workshops. Completion of these courses is not always required, but they can update and expand skills. Some seminars may not provide real value, so individuals must ensure they are approved by the licensing board or employer.
Continuing Education Seminars are short-term educational experiences designed to provide professionals and traders with ongoing, career-oriented education. Formats for continuing education seminars include classroom courses, weekend workshops, and webinars, sometimes called webinars. The content, duration and method of delivery of continuing education depend on the subject being presented, as well as professional and licensure requirements established by professional associations and government agencies.
Completion of continuing education courses to maintain certification, organizational membership, or employment is not required in all activities and professions. Many require updating and expanding skills that can occur in continuing education seminars. Some seminars are available at professional and trade association meetings and conventions as part of the overall program. Other continuing education seminars are sponsored by vendors that serve a specific industry and may occur at an industry function or as stand-alone classes or corporate presentations. There are even some schools and companies that specialize in offering continuing education and do not offer other types of education or training.
Some colleges, universities, and trade schools also offer seminars and courses on continuing education, in addition to other educational offerings. Your continuing education courses can take the form of short seminars or one-day classes, or they can actually be conducted in a more traditional academic format. Some classes may be offered for academic or continuing education credit, with each student selecting the type of credit they wish to receive prior to attending the class. Another advancement in continuing education is online or telephone classes. Continuing education webinars can take the form of live webcasts or teleconferences where students connect or participate in a live seminar. After listening to the seminar, participants may be required to complete an online test or submit an essay to receive continuing education credit.
In some jurisdictions, there is little regulation of continuing education and the entities that provide it. As a result, some continuing education seminars may not really provide real value to the people who run them. For example, some continuing education programs offered by product vendors may be nothing more than thinly disguised sales pitches. Other continuing education seminars may not be recognized by professional or licensing agencies, making them useless for meeting credentialing and employment requirements. Individuals interested in attending continuing education seminars must ensure they are approved by the licensing board, employer, or organization requiring their completion.