A hexalogy is a set of six literary works, which can include literature, TV series, films, and other visual media. It can be a continuation of an original trilogy or a collection of works by the same author. The Star Wars series is an example of a hexalogy. The appearance of a hexalogy does not limit the number of works in a series.
A hexalogy is a set of literary works involving six components. Some describe this term as related to any “fictional work,” which would include not just literature, but more modern works of fiction in mass media, including episodes of television series, film projects, or other works of visual media. Another way to describe hexalogy is simply as a series of six, where presenting a collection of works in this way can be part of an artistic appeal to an audience.
In many cases, a hexalogy represents the continuation of an original trilogy, a set of three works, with an additional trilogy, another set of three works. In total, the collected works may be presented as “hexalogies” or series of six. When these works are never changed, the series of six will be the final result.
Perhaps one of the most famous examples of hexalogy in modern Western society – even if it is not traditionally referred to in this way – is the Star Wars series created and designed by George Lucas. This incredibly popular series of works has continued its appeal across multiple generations, through the creation of an original trilogy in the 1980s, followed by a further trilogy in the first decade of the new millennium. Since this series is unlikely to be continued in the future, it would be fair to describe the entire set of Star Wars films, which are feature films with a common setting, as a hexalogy. Some of the main characters, along with the larger storyline, remain the same or closely related, although the second trilogy is set in an earlier time period.
Other popular forms of hexalogies include books by the same author. When the total number of published works reaches six, bundles of these books may commonly be sold as hexalogies. This is also the case with graphic novel or comic series offerings. Indeed, even musical or visual artworks, such as symphonies or paintings, may occasionally be grouped in this format.
It is important to note that the appearance of a hexalogy does not mean that works of fiction are limited to a specific number. After being sold in a series of six, fictional works may continue to be modified and sold as a longer series, although the term hexalogy no longer applies. In some cases, where the hexalogy serves as a historical landmark for a fictional series, the set of six may be of greater value to collectors.