A motorcycle accident attorney deals with injuries and losses sustained by someone involved in a motorcycle accident. They collect facts, evaluate legal strengths and weaknesses, conduct research, negotiate settlements, and represent clients at trial to prove negligence and seek compensation for damages. They may also investigate product safety issues.
A motorcycle accident attorney practices the area of malpractice law. He deals exclusively with injuries and losses sustained by someone involved in a motorcycle accident. Due to some safety risks inherent in riding a motorcycle, these lawyers deal with legal issues specific to the operation of this type of vehicle.
After an accident, the motorcycle accident lawyer consults with his client and collects the facts involved in the accident. He evaluates the legal strengths and weaknesses of the case with his client. He also explains how the legal process works and the steps involved in a malpractice case.
In preparation for the trial, a motorcycle accident attorney conducts research on the legal issues involved in the case and obtains police and medical accident reports. He can also question witnesses and take statements from any witnesses he deems useful at trial. A motorcycle accident attorney also instructs accident investigators to view and analyze any evidence from the scene of the accident, including the vehicles involved. Experts may also be hired to review medical records and testify about the extent of a client’s injuries. Other experts may play a role in reviewing documents to determine the cause of the accident.
Before any trial, a motorcycle accident attorney conducts settlement negotiations with attorneys representing the defendant’s insurer. He can discuss with his client any offer made to settle the case. The attorney may correspond with his client’s insurer and with medical providers to ensure that his client is treated fairly and receives adequate medical care for his injuries. If there is no acceptable settlement offer for your client, you would represent the client at the trial.
At trial, a motorcycle accident attorney, on behalf of his client, would seek to prove that the person allegedly guilty, the “defendant,” was negligent. In personal injury law, the plaintiff can be compensated for bodily injury and motorcycle damage caused by the defendant’s negligence. Damages may include medical expenses for injuries, the cost of repairing or replacing your motorcycle, and any other expenses resulting from the accident. The motorcycle accident attorney would present all available evidence to show the extent of the damages to his clients.
A motorcycle accident attorney might also investigate any issues related to product safety. Vehicles, including motorcycles, are expected to be designed and manufactured for any foreseeable safe use, including the possibility of an accident. These types of manufacturing and design issues could become part of a customer’s case regarding the extent of the injuries.