The color rendering index (CRI) measures how colors appear under artificial light compared to daylight. Low-pressure sodium lamps emit monochromatic light, while incandescent bulbs emit a broad spectrum of wavelengths. CRI ranges from 0-100, with higher numbers indicating better color rendering ability. Color temperature describes the actual color of the light source, with higher temperatures emitting bluer light. Incandescent bulbs have a high CRI but a low color temperature, making it difficult to distinguish shades of blue. A better light source would have both a high CRI and a color temperature closer to natural sunlight.
The color rendering index (CRI) is an international measurement scale that describes how colors are rendered under an artificial light source. The standard against which artificial lighting is compared is daylight, as daylight reproduces the widest variety of colors. Artificial lighting, on the other hand, can render very many or very few colors, depending on the nature of the light source. The color rendering index has many applications, especially in fine art and photography.
Color appearance varies under different light sources because each light source emits different wavelengths of light. The visible spectrum of light that can be perceived by the human eye consists of wavelengths ranging from approximately 400-750 nanometers. Low-pressure sodium lamps, often used as street lights, emit monochromatic light that has a wavelength of approximately 589 nanometers. An ordinary incandescent light bulb, on the other hand, emits many wavelengths of light.
An object appears a certain color because it reflects certain wavelengths of light, which are then perceived by the eye. A low-pressure sodium lamp only emits in a narrow range at about 589 nanometers, so only one color can be reflected. All objects, regardless of their color in daylight, will appear yellowish under sodium lamp light. Alternatively, many colors can be perceived in the light of an incandescent bulb, because the incandescent bulb emits a broad spectrum of wavelengths.
The color rendering index quantifies the ability of artificial light sources to show colour. The scale goes from 0 to 100, where 0 is poor ability to show color and 100 is the best ability. A low pressure sodium lamp has a color rendering index of 0-18, and an incandescent bulb might have a CRI of 99 or higher.
There is a difference between color rendering index and a related measure known as color temperature. CRI describes how colors look in a given light. Color temperature, on the other hand, describes the actual color of the light source and the type of light it emits. Higher color temperatures emit bluer light, and lower color temperatures appear reddish. The color rendering index can only be used as a basis for comparison if the two light sources in question also have the same color temperature.
Although incandescent bulbs have a high CRI, they have a low color temperature of approximately 4,400 degrees Fahrenheit (2,427 degrees Celsius), compared to normal daylight, which has a color temperature of 7,640-8,540 degrees Fahrenheit (4,227-4,727 degrees Celsius). Celsius). It is therefore more difficult to distinguish shades of blue under a light bulb than it would be under daylight. So while an incandescent light bulb has excellent color rendering ability compared to other light sources of the same color temperature, it is not the most ideal light source in terms of color rendering. A better light source would have both a high CRI and a color temperature closer to natural sunlight.