The Windsor knot is the most formal and symmetrical tie knot, creating a wide triangle with a narrow point at the bottom. It is named after Edward VIII, but he preferred the “four in hand” technique. Tying a Windsor knot involves wrapping the wide end of the tie around both neck loops before tucking it into a fabric loop.
When it comes to tying ties, the desired formality of the finished knot can be an important consideration. Many people can quickly master a simple “four in hand” tie knot, resulting in a useful if decidedly asymmetrical knot. Similar results can be achieved with the more advanced Pratt knot or the half Windsor knot, created by adding an extra loop before tucking the wide end of the tie through the final cinch knot. However, the most formal and symmetrical tie knot is known as the Windsor knot, although some may refer to it as a “double Windsor” or “full Windsor.”
The Windsor knot is believed to be named after Edward VIII, the former Duke of Windsor. However, the duke himself did not habitually wear his namesake tie knot. He liked to create very thick tie knots using the very basic “four in hand” technique, which is generally a simple knot used for casual uniforms. The Duke of Windsor used thicker materials and specially designed shirts to accommodate the heavy triangle knot.
One advantage of a Windsor knot over other techniques is a symmetrical knot that ends at the collar. A Windsor knot creates a wide triangle with a narrow point at the bottom. When properly fitted, the triangle tapers evenly and creates a dimple in the bonding material. The remainder of the tie extends across the front of the dress shirt and ends precisely at the waist. Other binding knots like the half Windsor or Pratt can create a triangle that leans slightly to one side, which can make the knot on the necklace appear misaligned.
Describing how to tie a Windsor knot without illustrations can be challenging, but the basic technique begins with a standard necktie placed around the wearer’s neck with the collar fully buttoned and turned up. The wide end of the tie should extend 12 inches beyond the narrow end. The Windsor knot begins with a first pass of the wide end over the narrow end near the neckline. The wide end should be wrapped around the narrow end like a rope around a tree. The wide ending should now be back on its original side.
The wide end of the tie can now be pulled up and over the center loop formed by the first wrap. If it were a simple four-in-hand tie knot, it could be tucked into the first loop and done. The next step is to turn the knot into a half Windsor. The wide end can be wrapped around the opposite side of the neck loop and then wrapped around the center knot once more before finishing by pushing the wide end through the center knot and pulling it tight. This half Windsor knot is thicker and more formal than a simple four in hand, but is still asymmetrical.
For the full Windsor knot, the wrapping maneuver around the opposite neck-loop is followed by a similar wrapping around the other neck-loop. This gives the Windsor knot its symmetrical look. After wrapping around both neck loops, the wide end of the tie is finally stretched and placed over the center knot, then tucked into the resulting fabric loop. This may seem difficult in theory, but tying a Windsor knot in real life can’t be more challenging than tying a pair of shoes. Many people can tie a full Windsor knot in a minute or less, although there may be some last minute adjustments to make. A Windsor knot is the tie knot of choice for executives and those who need to make a favorable first impression.