[ad_1] Brain freeze, or ice cream headache, affects up to 1/3 of the population and is caused by a combination of the body’s reaction to cold stimuli, the freezing of nerves above the palate, and a sudden rush of warm blood to the brain. Placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth or drinking […]
[ad_1] A ballet master manages a ballet company’s personnel and artistic vision, selecting programs, choreography, and training dancers. They define the program for the year, select and set choreography, and train dancers. They also represent the dancers in meetings with other company employees. The work of a ballet master combines management with artistic vision, as […]
[ad_1] “Falling out of bed” in finance refers to an unexpected and rapid financial reversal that takes parties involved by surprise, such as sudden decreases in stock prices due to unanticipated events like key executive departures or cancelled mergers. Damage control can help slow and reverse the downward trend. In financial circles, “falling out of […]
[ad_1] A business voicemail greeting should be professional and concise, but can include a short statement about the company’s services. It should provide basic information, such as the name of the activity reached, and remind callers to leave their name and contact information. The greeting can be customized to fit the needs of the business. […]
[ad_1] Compulsory sterilization is a government policy that mandates sterilization of certain individuals for specific conditions. Historically, several nations have had mandatory sterilization laws as part of negative eugenics programs. Eugenics suggests improving the human race through selective breeding. The United States, India, China, Germany, and Sweden have all practiced compulsory sterilization at some point […]
[ad_1] A slate and stylus is a basic and inexpensive braille writing device used by the blind. The stylus punches dots into paper to create braille letters, and the slate holds the paper in place. Each braille letter is formed into a cell with six possible spaces for a dot. The writer must work backwards […]
[ad_1] Elagabalus, emperor of Rome from 218-222, was controversial and unpopular. He replaced Jupiter with the deity of his hometown, El-Gabal, and promoted the cult of El-Gabal while engaging in moral decadence. He was assassinated and erased from public records, but became a cultural hero in the Decadent movement of the late 19th century. Elagabalus, […]
[ad_1] A cerebrospinal fluid test analyzes the fluid around the brain and spinal cord to diagnose central nervous system disorders. A lumbar puncture is the most common method of extraction, but in rare cases, a cisternal or ventricular puncture may be necessary. The fluid is examined for color, consistency, protein levels, and other substances to […]
[ad_1] Building maintenance workers are responsible for repairing, installing, and maintaining structures. They must be observant to identify problems, have repair skills, perform preventative maintenance, and stay informed about industry developments for proper installation of new materials. A building maintenance worker is responsible for the repair, installation, and maintenance of a structure. This job requires […]
[ad_1] Scrip is a type of currency used in place of legal tender, often purchased with legal tender but rarely redeemable for it. It can be spent in specialized places and historically was used to pay employees at company stores. Modern examples include gift cards, airline miles, tokens, and tickets. A scrip is a kind […]
[ad_1] Place branding is a marketing concept that promotes a geographical location by creating an image that makes consumers think of that place when they want to buy certain products or engage in certain activities. It requires identifying specific characteristics that are relevant to a given geographic area and careful planning to be successful. It […]
[ad_1] OxiClean is a sodium percarbonate cleaner mixed with a bleaching agent that whitens stains. It is environmentally safe, versatile, and can clean clothes, furniture, and more. OxiClean has expanded its product range to cover a wide range of stain removers. OxiClean® is widely known through its commercials on television. The product initially started out […]
[ad_1] Parentheses in English punctuation are used to add ellipses to a quoted statement, clarify pronoun use, and indicate errors in a written or spoken statement. They are not to be confused with parentheses, which are used to include less important elements in a document. In the English language, punctuation brackets are usually added to […]
[ad_1] Einstein had multiple affairs during both his marriages and even asked his stepdaughter to deliver a love letter to one of his mistresses. He was known to be unhappy in his first marriage and still needed the attention of other women after he left his wife for her cousin. The letters, part of a […]
[ad_1] The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a blood test used to screen for inflammatory diseases and monitor treatment progress. It measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in the blood serum and is expressed in millimeters per hour. Abnormal rates can indicate inflammation, but cannot pinpoint its location or cause. Sedimentation rates […]
[ad_1] A Guest Services Manager ensures guest satisfaction by interacting with them and overseeing customer service employees. They handle complaints, answer questions, and may supervise employees. A degree in management, hotel and restaurant management, or business is preferred. A Guest Services Manager’s primary duty is to ensure guest satisfaction. He usually accomplishes this by interacting […]
[ad_1] A cash book records all business transactions and is checked against bank statements for accuracy. Some companies use separate ledgers for incoming and outgoing money, and cash books can be physical or electronic. They are also used for audits to prevent fraud and ensure accuracy. A cash book is a journal or ledger in […]
[ad_1] Free radio advertising can be obtained through public service announcements, investigative advertising, and guest appearances on talk or news shows. Experts in a field can also get free publicity for their organization by becoming a guest on a show. Authors can promote their books through guest appearances as well. Payment for investigative advertising is […]
[ad_1] Bulkheads are internal walls in ships, airplanes, and spaceships that divide space into compartments for storage and accommodation. They also provide structural stability and safety by containing fires, floods, and other problems. The Chinese were the first to use bulkheads in their ships, which quickly spread to other shipbuilding cultures. Bulkhead seats on airplanes […]
[ad_1] The language module is a hypothetical area of the brain that governs the development of complex language systems. Its existence and location have not been proven, but it is believed to be located in the Sylvian fissure between Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas. Damage to these areas can cause aphasia. The existence of a language […]