Blog designers create and modify themes and templates for blog platforms, requiring knowledge of HTML, CSS, and sometimes PHP or ASP. They often work independently as freelancers and can also create websites and templates for content management systems. Education in web design is helpful for working at large firms, but self-taught designers can also succeed. Freelancers often market themselves on social media and message boards and may offer free themes to promote their work. Successful designers can make profits selling custom templates and themes.
Blog designers create and modify themes and templates for blog engines and blog platforms. Most blogging platforms are released under a General Public License (GPL) and are open to third-party design and development. A blog designer should be well-versed in basic design coding such as HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Depending on the platform, he may also be familiar with programming languages such as PHP and ASP. Generally speaking, blog designers do not work in development developing blog engines or platforms; instead, they focus on the aesthetics of a blog using themes and templates.
Expert blog designers can simply be called web designers, blog sync design is an element of web design. Blog designers can also work in other elements of the web design field. For example, a designer can also create basic HTML websites and create themes and templates for content management systems.
A career in web or blog design often requires comprehensive enough education in the field to master aspects of design. This formal education may be necessary for a web or blog designer trying to work for a large design firm or company. Other blog designers are self-taught. With numerous resources on the Internet and published in books for Web design, it is possible to learn the basics in just a few months, although it usually takes a few years to become highly skilled.
Many blog designers work independently as freelancers. These designers often have an online portfolio showcasing their best work, and they market themselves like any professional on social networking sites, groups, and message boards in an effort to get the word out about their work. Freelance blog designers can find clients locally or through freelance sourcing sites that allow those in need of design help to find qualified professionals.
Some freelance designers provide free themes or templates through official blog engine repositories in an effort to promote their skills. These themes or templates may also include a link to their portfolio where the designer can sell higher or premium quality themes or templates. Once well established, a talented blog designer can make lucrative profits by selling custom templates and themes or by selling the same templates and themes to multiple clients.