Gas and palpitations are usually unrelated, but can occur together due to certain factors. Gas pains can cause chest pains, and both symptoms can be related to certain health conditions. It’s important to see a doctor if experiencing chest discomfort.
According to most researchers, there is no known physical connection between gas and palpitations. There are cases where intestinal gas pains have been known to hurt so badly that they lead to chest pains in some individuals. In other cases, gas and palpitations may occur at the same time, but they are not related to each other. Other times, a third factor can cause both symptoms for various reasons. Other researchers say the two could be linked in certain health conditions, but this isn’t common.
Heart palpitations are usually described as a fluttering sensation caused by the heart suddenly beating faster than usual. This typically lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes and is related to a number of health conditions and stimulants. Gas usually refers to trapped intestinal gas. It is caused by swallowing too much air or eating foods that are difficult to digest. In most cases, gas and palpitations are unrelated, although they can occur at the same time.
There are some situations where gas and palpitations are more likely to occur together. For example, carbonated drinks are known to cause intestinal gas, while stimulants can cause heart palpitations. Other times, the two likely occur together by chance or bad luck.
Some research shows that gas and palpitations can both be related to certain health conditions. These can include chronic fatigue syndrome and hookworm infection. These conditions are more likely to cause digestive upset than heart problems.
In other cases, gas pains can become so severe that they cause chest pains. This usually happens when the gas is being produced faster than it can be expelled. It gets trapped in the stomach and rises to the top, causing pressure in the chest cavity. There’s generally no way to know for sure when chest pains are caused by intestinal gas, as the discomfort can sometimes be quite severe.
Another case where gas and palpitations could be related is during pregnancy. Intestinal gas and heart-related symptoms are both common in pregnant women. In fact, some women may experience symptoms so severe that they believe they are having a heart attack. This is mainly due to hormones causing changes within the body. These problems usually go away once the baby is delivered.
Since most people have no way of knowing whether chest discomfort is caused by gas or something else, it’s important to see a doctor. While most chest pain isn’t caused by a heart attack, it’s still a possibility, especially for people over the age of 35.