How to survive a long flight?

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Airlines combat boredom on long flights with seat-mounted entertainment centers, but passengers can also bring books, music, puzzles, and snacks. It’s important to stretch and move to avoid deep vein thrombosis.

A long plane flight can seem unbearable, especially after eight or nine hours of flying. Fortunately, many airlines have started taking steps to combat this problem by providing entertainment to their passengers. Seat-mounted entertainment centers with movies, games and music have become standard on many airlines. On luxury airlines, passengers can pay a premium price for beds on long-haul flights. However, it can be helpful to come armed with a few diversions to take on the plane.

Reading is a common method of entertainment on a long plane flight. You may find it helpful to bring magazines or short story collections, as a long flight can negatively affect your attention span. If you carry a comprehensive book, you may want to stay away from complex tomes and stick to “airplane reading” such as simple fiction or mysteries. Be sure to bring along a spare read, in case you get restless or bored with the first book.

While music and movies are available on many planes, the airline often charges you for headphones. Make sure you bring a pair with you. If you have a personal music player, you might also want to consider bringing one, as the music selection on most airlines is less than glittering. Many planes also allow the use of laptops on a long plane flight, and you may want to consider bringing music to listen to or movies to watch on your laptop. If you’re feeling particularly motivated, you could even work on your laptop. The most significant downside to this is that you’re almost always limited by the battery life of your laptop, as places to conveniently plug it in are very rare.

Another way to pass the time on a long flight is to use puzzles or games. Books of puns are readily available in most bookstores, especially in airports. Physical puzzles, such as the Rubik’s Cube, may also be something to consider. Doing something with your hands like knitting, drawing, or solving a puzzle can be a great way to take your mind off flying. Keep in mind that many airlines limit the items you can bring on board, so consider whether or not a manual hijack can be weaponized before packing it in your carry-on.

A long plane flight is also very physically demanding. In addition to feeling hungry, your body also undergoes physiological changes that can be harmful if not addressed. Be sure to bring along snacks to satisfy your hunger and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. If you feel nauseous on airplanes, choose bland foods and sodas to settle your stomach.

It’s also very important to stretch and move during a long plane flight, to avoid cramps and a condition called deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot that can form when you sit still for too long. If not identified, the clot could travel to your heart, potentially killing you. Every hour or so, get up from your seat to move around, bend your limbs, and stretch.

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