Is Emirates Palace Hotel posh?

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Gold vending machines, including the world’s first gold-plated ATM, are now available in various locations worldwide. The machines dispense gold items, including 10-gram bars, and are covered in gold leaf. To prevent money laundering, consumers are limited to three purchases a day, and the machines are built to withstand explosives. The gold bars are sealed in plastic with anti-counterfeiting labels and updated prices every 10 minutes to match international markets. The machines were created by a German businessman and were first launched in Abu Dhabi due to high demand for gold in the region.

From Abu Dhabi to Boca Raton, consumers around the world can now buy gold from vending machines. In the lobby of the Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi, the world’s first gold-plated ATM dispenses 320 gold items, including 10-gram bars. TG Gold-Super-Markt has installed 20 Gold to Go machines, all covered in gold leaf, on three continents. In order to prevent money laundering, consumers are only allowed to make three purchases a day. After that, the system will block them for 48 hours. Furthermore, these “golden ATMs” are built “like an armored vehicle,” says the manufacturer, and are impervious to explosives.

Looking for gold in the hotel lobby:

The gold bars are sealed in plastic with a holographic anti-counterfeiting label, describing the purity of the item and its price per gram.
Prices are updated every 10 minutes to match gold rates on international markets.
The machines were created by Thomas Geissler, a German businessman. He chose Abu Dhabi to start the business due to the region’s high demand for gold.

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