Obesity’s common complications?

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Obesity affects over 70 million Americans and can lead to health complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, and even death. It is caused by an overabundance of fatty tissue and can result in respiratory, social, and psychological problems.

Obesity is a disease that affects more than 70 million Americans and leads to a variety of health complications, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and even death. The condition is the result of an overabundance of fatty tissue. Typically, a man with a waist that exceeds 40 inches or a woman with a waist of 35 inches or more is at risk for obesity.

When the body has excess fat tissue, it in turn requires extra oxygen and nutrients. This results in more blood circulating throughout the body. As the heart works harder to pump more blood, it puts a strain on the artery walls, which results in an increase in blood pressure.

When arteries harden, the complications of obesity can lead to strokes and coronary heart disease. An overabundance of fatty acids that build up in the arteries leading to the brain can cause clotting. This clotting blocks blood flow to the brain, making a person more prone to suffering a stroke. The buildup of fatty tissue in the arteries can also restrict blood flow to the heart, leading to angina or even a heart attack.

Diabetes is one of the most common complications of obesity, as approximately 90% of type 2 diabetes cases involve overweight people. As an individual gains extra pounds, they become resistant to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar. Insulin is needed to keep the body’s sugar level at a healthy rate. If the amount of sugar levels increases, diabetes occurs.

Complications of obesity also include respiratory problems. An obese individual has extra weight on the chest wall, which puts pressure on the lungs, making breathing more difficult. A large neck and narrow passages cause an obstruction in the upper airway during sleep. This condition, called sleep apnea, causes a person to stop breathing numerous times during the night, which gradually puts a strain on a person’s heart. This restless sleep can cause daytime fatigue.

In addition to medical problems, an obese individual can suffer from social and psychological problems. Obese adults can experience depression, anxiety and isolation, which can lead to low self-esteem. Obese school-age children may be laughed at and ridiculed, and adults may face discrimination in the workplace. Obese individuals may be stigmatized as lazy or weak. Because of fear of negative stereotypes, an obese individual may be less willing to seek health care.

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