Narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders are linked to lying, with those affected often lying to appear important or due to an inability to distinguish right from wrong. Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include jealousy, setting unrealistic goals, and feeling superior to others. Those with antisocial personality disorder may also be aggressive and charming, and have a history of trouble with the law. Personality disorders are divided into three clusters, with Cluster B disorders most likely to be linked to lying.
Personality disorders is an umbrella term that covers different types of mental illnesses. Among these, lying is particularly evident when examining narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. In these cases, the connection between personality disorders and lying centers on the patient’s desire to appear important or arises from an inability to distinguish right from wrong.
A relationship between personality disorders and lying is inherent in people who have narcissistic personality disorders. Those with narcissistic personality disorders will lie to appear more important or knowledgeable. These lies can come in the form of inflating their achievements or background. People who have narcissistic personality disorder feel special and should be treated specially, and may not care if getting that special treatment causes harm to others.
Other symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include setting unrealistic goals, feeling jealous of others, and feeling superior to others. At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder may feel that others are jealous of them. People with narcissistic personality disorder may try to take advantage of others and have difficulty having healthy relationships.
Those with antisocial personality disorder also demonstrate the connection between personality disorders and lying. People with antisocial personality disorder frequently lie. They can also steal, they can be aggressive, and they may not care about the difference between right and wrong. At the same time, people with antisocial personality disorder can be quite charming and can use this charm to help them manipulate others.
Narcissistic personality disorder gets its name from the Greek mythical figure Narcissus, the handsome and vain boy who fell in love with his own reflection and looked up to himself until he passed out and died. The causes of the narcissistic personality are unknown. Current thinking focuses on genetics or a dysfunction between the brain, thought processes and behavior. Other theories revolve around abusive or dysfunctional childhoods.
Additional symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include an inability to have healthy relationships. People with this type of personality disorder may also have intermittent work histories and may have repeatedly been in trouble with the law. Other symptoms may include being impulsive and violent.
The mental illnesses included in the broad description of personality disorders are generally divided into three groups. Cluster A includes schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and paranoid personality disorder. Cluster B includes narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder, which are the conditions most likely to show a connection between personality disorders and lying. Cluster C includes avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.