8th Amendment: US Constitution?

The Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bail bonds. It was ratified in 1791 and supplemented by the 14th Amendment. The amendment outlawed punishments deemed excessive or removed from society’s values, and limited punishments degrading human dignity, arbitrary, rejected by society, or useless. The death sentence is controversial, […]

Apr 8th: What occurred?

Buddha’s birthday celebrated by Buddhists, WPA established by Congress, League of Nations had last meeting, ceasefire signed in Sudan, Venus de Milo discovered, Times Square named, first Alzheimer’s patient dies, celebrities sell war bonds, Hank Aaron breaks home run record, Entente Cordiale signed. Buddha is said to have been born. (564 BC) Although it is […]

Nov 8th: What occurred?

X-rays were discovered by German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895. The Civil Works Administration was established by US President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 to create jobs during the Great Depression, but was terminated in 1934. Hitler’s failed coup attempt, the “Beer Hall Putsch,” took place in 1923. The Murder Act 1965 abolished the death […]

Jan 8th event?

Events in American history: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, African American suffrage in DC, national debt eradication, Citizen Kane controversy, Watergate trial, Mona Lisa exhibit, Battle of New Orleans, War on Poverty, Gallipoli withdrawal, No Child Left Behind Act. Woodrow Wilson outlined his Fourteen Points. (1918) The Points would continue to form the backbone of American […]

May 8th: what occurred?

VE Day celebrated (1945), smallpox eradicated (1980), USSR boycotts 1984 Olympics, AIM occupation of Wounded Knee ends (1973), Doctor No released (1963), first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (1877), Hernando de Soto reaches Mississippi River (1541), first eye bank opens (1944), Let it Be released (1970), Jean-Henri Dunant born (1828). VE Day was celebrated. (1945) […]

What’s the 8th chakra?

The eighth chakra is located above the head and serves as the energy center of the chakra system, protecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual body. Opening it brings spiritual awareness and personal growth, while a closed chakra causes disconnection and hindered growth. Chakra treatments include exercise, essential oils, gemstones, and meditation. The eighth chakra is […]

Dec 8th, what occurred?

Vatican II became ecumenical law, NAFTA was signed, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed, John Lennon was killed, the Race Relations Act came into effect, coaxial cable was patented, the Immaculate Conception was declared, the Ambrosian Library opened, and the Broadway Theater began showing musicals. CBS’ I Love Lucy was the first show to […]

Aug 8th event?

Richard Nixon resigns as US President due to involvement in Watergate scandal. Great Train Robbery occurs in Britain. First successful heart transplant in Japan. Wright brothers perform first public flight. Nazi saboteurs executed in the US. Marcinelle mining disaster kills 136. Wrigley Field holds first night game. Thomas Edison awarded patent for mimeograph. Millionth patent […]

June 8th: what occurred?

James Earl Ray, Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassin, was caught in London in 1968. The US Supreme Court ruled that refusing service based on race is a crime in 1953. The PHP programming language was introduced in 1995. Other events include the retirement of Mickey Mantle’s uniform, the death of the Prophet Mohammed, and the […]

Oct 8th, what occurred?

Nixon’s peace proposal was rejected by North Vietnamese and Viet Cong negotiators, leading to five more years of the Vietnam War. OHS was established after the 9/11 attacks. Poland was annexed by Nazi Germany in 1939. Clinton was impeached in 1998 but acquitted in 1999. Solidarnosc trade union was banned in Poland in 1982. Peshtigo […]

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