What’s a candle?

Candlepower, an outdated term for light intensity, has been replaced by “candle”. However, it is still used inconsistently, causing confusion. Candlepower was based on a standardized candlestick and has since been adapted to different light sources. It is important to note that candlepower does not provide information about distance or perception of light. Products advertised […]

What’s a candle?

The candela is a unit of light intensity used in the SI system of measurement. It was created to standardize the measurement of light, replacing various country-specific measures. Initially defined as the light output of a Planckian radiator, it was later redefined to be more specific. The modern definition includes the phrase “1/683 watt per […]

What’s a red candle in finance?

A red candlestick is a symbol used to track stock price movements, with red indicating a lower price than the previous day. Candlestick charts show a rectangular block with vertical lines above and below it, with coloring and shading indicating price changes. This system allows for easy identification of patterns and volatility in stock prices. […]

What’s “burning the candle at both ends”?

“Burning the candle at both ends” means living at a pace that strains physical and emotional resources without replenishing them. This phrase originated in the 18th century and referred to wastefulness. Today, it can lead to burnout and harm relationships. By setting limits on after-work activities, getting rest, and eating well, individuals can maintain good […]

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