What’s a Cong. Caucus?

Congressional caucuses are groups of congressmen with shared interests and goals, ranging from political parties to specific causes. They must register with the House of Representatives and follow specific rules. Some caucuses work across party lines, while others are split. They can become strong and work to elect people who support their causes. They are […]

Caucus vs primary: what’s the difference?

In the US, political parties nominate candidates for the presidential election through primaries or caucuses. Primaries are like general elections, while caucuses involve free discussion and debate among voters. Caucuses take longer and allow for more campaigning, but most states now use primaries. Each presidential election year in the United States, members of political parties […]

What’s the “Caucus” and how to participate?

A caucus is a meeting where like-minded people discuss and make decisions about a particular issue or party policy. The origins of the word are disputed, but it is important in politics and the corporate world. The Iowa Caucus is a complex political event that plays a major role in presidential elections. Participants vote for […]

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