China’s one-child policy: what is it?

China’s one-child policy, also known as the family planning policy, is a government-mandated limitation on the number of children certain groups of people in China can have without paying a fine. It applies to around 35% of citizens and has exceptions for ethnic minorities, those in rural areas, and parents without siblings. The policy has […]

China’s main political parties?

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the ruling political party, with an estimated 80 million members. The party promotes a one-party state and emphasizes economic development. The United Front is a coalition of eight parties, but they have no real power. Hong Kong and Macau have multi-party systems, while some areas have illegal parties. […]

China’s coal loss to fire?

China loses 20% of its annual coal production, between 100-200 million tons, to fires each year. These fires produce 1.1 billion tons of CO2, more than all US automobiles. China is the largest coal consumer and producer, with 3 billion tons produced annually and 13% of global reserves. China loses between 100 and 200 million […]

China’s trade contributions: how have they evolved?

China’s economy grew from 1% of world trade in 1978 to 8% in 2009. It is predicted to exceed the US economy by 2027, but fears of China recalling debt are unfounded as it would harm its own economy. China is the world’s largest exporter of communications technology and major exports to the US include […]

China’s religious composition?

China has over 100 million believers, but it’s hard to estimate the percentage of each religion due to government discouragement. Folk religions, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, and Protestantism are recognized religions in China, but some face hostility from the government. Ancestor worship is popular but not officially considered a religion. Shamans are respected as part […]

What’s China’s People’s Republic?

China is the third largest country in the world, located in East Asia with diverse landscapes and climates. It became the People’s Republic of China in 1949 under Mao Zedong’s leadership. China has 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, and four municipalities with diverse languages, ethnicities, and religions. It is the most populous country in the […]

What was China’s Down to the Countryside movement?

The Down to the Countryside movement was a policy by Mao Zedong in the 1960s and 1970s to send urban youth to work in villages to remove bourgeois feelings and reduce urban population. It aimed to increase agricultural production and reduce urban unrest, but had negative physical and psychological effects on those involved. It resulted […]

China’s Air Pollution Visible from Space?

China’s air pollution, caused by the use of coal, affects at least 30 cities and can be seen from space. Particulate matter in the air is measured at over 14 times the safe level, causing negative health effects for over 100 million people worldwide. China’s air pollution can sometimes be seen from space, as seen […]

China’s chicken/people ratio?

China has a chicken-to-person ratio of 3:1, with 4.5 billion chickens for 1.5 billion people. Brunei has the highest ratio at 40 chickens per person. China also has the largest number of pigs and sheep, while Brazil and India have the most livestock. New Zealand has the highest sheep-to-person ratio. The chicken-to-person ratio in China […]

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