What’s Cipher Encryption?

Cipher encryption uses a key to protect information, with block and stream methods determining how encryption is applied. Symmetric ciphers use the same key for encryption and decryption, while asymmetric ciphers use different keys. Stream ciphers are constantly changing, but can be deciphered if the code repeats or the message is known. Cipher encryption is […]

What’s an SSL cipher?

SSL is a cryptographic security measure that encrypts data on the internet, creating a secret connection between two computers. SSL is used for secure e-commerce and is not visible to most users. Data encryption is the process of converting plain text data into secret ciphers, and SSL encryption uses encryption keys to create an encrypted […]

What’s a cipher machine?

Cipher machines have evolved from simple wooden wheels to high-tech computers with router encryption software. Julius Caesar’s monoalphabetic cipher inspired the first mechanical encryption machine, while Leon Battista Alberti developed the first polyalphabetic cipher. The Enigma machine was famously cracked by US, British and Polish cryptographers. Modern cipher machines offer guaranteed message integrity and sender […]

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