What’s Clean Coal?

Clean coal refers to making coal mining and power plants more environmentally friendly and efficient. However, carbon dioxide and harmful emissions are still released, and coal is a finite resource. Environmentalists argue that investing in renewable energy is better than investing in cleaner technology for fossil fuels. Coal can be chemically washed to remove impurities, […]

How’s coal made?

Charcoal is made by burning carbon-rich materials like wood in kilns at high temperatures. The resulting product is cooled, shaped, and packaged for sale. Uniform combustion is important and the finished product must cool before shaping. Briquettes are typically made with a binding agent and packaged in reinforced paper bags. Charcoal is typically made by […]

Coal dependence: which country?

South Africa is the world’s largest coal consumer, with 77% of its energy consumption based on coal. China uses the most coal, but its energy consumption is 70% coal-based. The average global coal-based energy consumption is 30%, with the US at 25%. Over 5.845 million tons of coal are produced worldwide annually. Surprisingly, China is […]

Coal Tar: What is it?

Coal tar is a versatile byproduct of coke production used in construction, insulation, paint, heating, fabric dyeing, and medical treatments. It contains carcinogens but is still widely used. Coal tar is a thick black liquid that is a byproduct of coke production. As an additional product of the cause-of-action (COA) process leading to coke production, […]

China’s coal loss to fire?

China loses 20% of its annual coal production, between 100-200 million tons, to fires each year. These fires produce 1.1 billion tons of CO2, more than all US automobiles. China is the largest coal consumer and producer, with 3 billion tons produced annually and 13% of global reserves. China loses between 100 and 200 million […]

Coal consumption: how has it changed?

Global coal consumption increased by 50% from 2000 to 2010, with 75% of growth in Asia-Pacific. Coal meets 30% of global energy needs and generates 40% of electricity. China, the US, India, Japan, and South Africa consume over 80% of coal. Coal production is expected to increase by 50% from 2010 to 2030, and known […]

Is coal still Kentucky’s norm?

The Kentucky Coal Museum has installed 80 solar panels on its roof to save $10,000 a year in energy costs and provide energy for the town of Benham. Despite coal being king in Kentucky, residential solar panels pay for themselves within seven years. The museum features exhibits on coal mining and Loretta Lynn’s music collection. […]

What’s a coal car?

Coal cars transport coal from mines to processing centers and power plants. They were historically used in narrow tunnels and were iconic during the Industrial Revolution. Some full-size train cars are also equipped to carry coal. Liquid coal-powered cars were briefly popular in the 20th century but were not environmentally friendly. A coal car is […]

Coal Mining Industry: What is it?

Coal mining involves locating and removing underground coal deposits through surface or underground mining. It originated in the Industrial Revolution and is used to produce electricity and resources for other industries. The type of mining process used depends on factors such as depth, geology, and regulations. Coal mining is a major industrial activity in many […]

Coal power waste in US?

Coal ash, which contains high levels of lead, arsenic, and mercury, is produced in large quantities by US electricity generation from coal. It should be disposed of in dry, lined containers to avoid health risks, but much of it is deposited in wet ponds, putting surrounding neighborhoods at risk. Nearly half of US electricity in […]

What’s Coal Gasification?

Underground coal gasification produces synthetic gas by heating a mixture of coal, air, and water. The process is seeped underground, making it a fairly clean procedure. However, opponents argue that it causes greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to global warming. Environmentalists have been looking for an alternative fuel source for years. Some believe they have […]

Coal Prep Plant: What is it?

A coal preparation plant removes impurities from coal to increase its value and reduce shipping costs. The process involves crushing, separating impurities from coal, drying and forming it into a transportable solid. The water containing impurities is often toxic and hazardous. Maintaining a stockpile ensures a constant flow of material for processing. A coal preparation […]

What’s a Coal Conveyor Belt?

Coal conveyors are industrial equipment used to move raw or processed coal through a facility. They consist of pulleys controlling a rubber belt or chain, and can be customised to meet specific needs. They are used in coal mines and power plants, and can be adjusted for speed and incline. Fire is a potential hazard, […]

Coal Slurry: What is it?

Coal slurry, a waste product of coal mining, is stored in aboveground ponds or underground mines. It contains potentially toxic compounds and heavy metals. Impoundment ponds and underground injection have caused environmental damage and health concerns. Coal slurry pipelines are used for transportation. Alternative processing methods could reduce the amount of waste generated. Coal slurry […]

What’s Coal Ash?

Coal ash, a byproduct of coal burning, is produced by power plants worldwide. Components can be reused in products such as concrete, but the rest must be stored to prevent pollution. Coal ash contains radioactive isotopes and toxins that can be dangerous if released into the environment. Disposal is a serious environmental problem, with some […]

What’s Waste Coal?

Waste coal, a by-product of coal processing, can be used for fuel and extracting usable metals, but has environmental concerns due to heavy metal contaminants. Abandoned waste coal piles are banned in many nations and companies must dispose of or control waste coal. Controversy exists over handling waste coal in communities due to leaching issues […]

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