What’s Corrosion Fatigue?

Corrosion fatigue weakens metals over time due to stress from a corrosive environment. Repetitive stress from temperature changes and humidity accelerates damage by breaking down protective coatings. Cracks appear on the surface, rendering the metal object unfit for use. Protective coatings can slow the progression of corrosion fatigue, and resins and paints can extend the […]

What’s a Corrosion Test?

Corrosion testing determines a material’s sensitivity to chemical reactions that cause damage. It is offered by materials testing labs and used for quality control, product development, and accident reconstructions. The type of test used depends on the material and needs. Corrosion can cause aesthetic problems or serious damage, so companies are careful in designing and […]

What’s Corrosion?

Corrosion is the deterioration of metal due to exposure to environmental elements. It weakens structures and can be prevented by applying protective coatings or using cathodic protection. Proper protection prolongs the life of metal objects and ensures safety. Most people have seen the end results of corrosion on a number of appliances, vehicles, and other […]

What’s a Corrosion Inhibitor?

Corrosion inhibitors protect metals from corrosion by reducing the rate of damage. They can be added to fluids or sprayed/painted onto surfaces. Different inhibitors are suited for different applications, but care must be taken with toxic chemicals to protect the environment. Regular inspection is recommended. A corrosion inhibitor is a chemical compound designed to protect […]

How to be a corrosion tech?

A corrosion technician analyzes and prevents corrosion in industrial environments. To become one, you can obtain a college degree in engineering or attend professional training. Certifications and licenses are required, and entry-level positions can enhance your resume. In industrial environments, various materials are often exposed to moisture and caustic materials which can lead to corrosion […]

Factors affecting sulfuric acid corrosion?

Sulfuric acid corrosion is influenced by temperature, concentration, and material composition. The activity and oxidation rates of sulfuric acid increase with temperature and concentration, causing corrosion. Organic materials, such as leather, are severely corrosive due to dehydration. Concentrated sulfuric acid above 302°F is unstoppable, and even tantalum corrodes rapidly. Waterless concentrated sulfuric acid causes less […]

Corrosion Engineer: Job Description.

A corrosion engineer analyzes materials and develops strategies to prevent corrosion in manufacturing, construction, and other settings. They may also develop new products and repair strategies, and work in industries such as petroleum. Education in chemical or mechanical engineering is required, with options for further specialization through a master’s program or employer training. A corrosion […]

How to be a corrosion engineer?

To become a corrosion engineer, one needs a college degree in the field, industry experience, and membership in a professional organization. A bachelor’s degree is a good start, but specialized positions require a graduate degree. Joining a professional organization can provide access to job listings, training opportunities, and be viewed favorably by employers. Someone wanting […]

What does a corrosion tech do?

A corrosion technician inspects and maintains metal tubing used for water and gas transport, ensuring safety and structural integrity. They supervise cathodic protection systems to prevent corrosion and must be licensed by NACE. The job requires flexibility and the ability to work with computers. Documentation of repairs is crucial for future maintenance and repairs. A […]

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