What are Croc Shears?

Crocodile and alligator shears are machines used to cut metal objects in fabrication and scrap metal plants. Alligator shears are powered by hydraulic rams and come in various sizes, while crocodile shears have a hinged upper blade that moves vertically past a static lower blade. Modern versions have a hydraulic piston for safe single-cycle operation. […]

What’s a croc ride?

The alligator walk is a bodyweight exercise that involves walking on all fours like a crocodile. It strengthens muscles and improves stamina without requiring any equipment. Beginners should start slowly and increase the duration or distance over time. The alligator drag is a variation of this exercise. An alligator walk is a type of exercise […]

What’s a croc crawl?

The alligator crawl is a bodyweight exercise that involves moving forward into the push-up position while walking on the hands, strengthening upper body muscles. Bodyweight exercises, like push-ups, rely on an athlete’s own weight for resistance and can be easily adjusted for all levels. The alligator crawl can be incorporated into a larger routine and […]

What’re croc tears?

The belief that crocodiles shed tears while eating led to the term “crocodile tears” to describe false displays of emotion. The practice is considered manipulative and offensive, and some people use tricks to produce tears. Crocodiles excrete a lubricating fluid from their tear glands while eating, which likely led to the ancient belief. The creature […]

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