What’s a lame duck session?

Lame duck members of the United States Congress are those who must complete a legislative session after failing to win re-election for the next session. Any session of Congress that includes lame duck members is known as a lame duck session, which is traditionally associated with little progress. However, some lame duck sessions have proven […]

What’s a Duck and Cover Drill?

During the Cold War era, “duck and shelter” drills were common in schools to protect against nuclear detonation. The government sponsored an educational film featuring an animated turtle and schoolchildren demonstrating the proper way to protect themselves. The drills ended when people realized that a school desk would offer little protection against a high-yield nuclear […]

What’s a duck tour?

Duck tours are land and sea sightseeing tours using WWII-era amphibious vehicles known as ducks. They can enter water and transport tourists along city streets and waterways. The first duck tours operated in Milwaukee in 1946 and have since expanded globally. Tours are lighthearted and include puns and jokes from the captain. They typically last […]

What’s Baby Duck Syndrome?

BaDuck Syndrome refers to the tendency of computer users to prefer familiar systems and reject the unfamiliar. This applies to operating systems, software programs, and electronic devices. Humans imprint on the technology they are exposed to first, making it difficult to convert to new programs or systems. To reduce this syndrome, explore multiple options at […]

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