Dec 21st event?

Important events in history: dried blood serum produced (1933), John Gacy arrested (1978), first manned lunar mission launched (1968), radium discovered (1898), Irish Republic declared independence (1948), Snow White debuted (1937), first crossword puzzle published (1913), Elvis offers services to Nixon in War on Drugs (1970), It’s a Wonderful Life previewed (1946), Vespasian becomes fourth […]

Oct 2nd event?

Nazi Germany’s “Operation Typhoon” to seize Moscow failed in 1941, leading to the deadly “Battle of Moscow.” The Tlatelolco massacre occurred during a student protest in Mexico in 1968. The Warsaw Uprising was suppressed by Nazis in 1944, resulting in the deaths of over 250,000 Polish citizens. Other events include the signing of the Electronic […]

July 28th event?

A US Army bomber crashed into the Empire State building killing 14 people in 1945. The most devastating earthquake in the 20th century hit Tangshan, China, killing 242,000 people in 1976. Monica Lewinsky was given immunity for her testimony regarding her relationship with US President Bill Clinton in 1998. Dennis Martinez became the first Latino […]

Nov 30th event?

The Brady Bill was signed into law, requiring background checks for handgun buyers. The Green River killer was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. The American Revolutionary War ended with the Treaty of Paris. Operation Desert Storm officially ended. The WTO meeting in Seattle was disrupted by protesters. The Flying Scotsman set a land […]

May 19th event?

Over 40 microphones were found in the US embassy in Moscow, causing tension with the Soviet Union. Other events include the Dark Day in New England, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Marilyn Monroe’s birthday performance for JFK, and Anne Boleyn’s execution. More than 40 microphones were found in the US embassy in Moscow, the State […]

May 27th event?

The bubonic plague hit San Francisco in 1907, but was stopped after a rat-catching drive. Centralia, Pennsylvania has been burning since 1962. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia in 1994. The British Navy sank the Bismark in 1941. President Roosevelt declared an unlimited state of emergency on the same day. St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 […]

Nov 20th event?

Nuremberg Trials began (1945) with 24 Nazi leaders tried for war crimes. My Lai Massacre photos published (1969), exposing US army atrocities. Microsoft Windows® 1.0 released (1985). New Jersey ratified Bill of Rights (1789). Zarya module launched for International Space Station (1998). Mexican Revolution began (1910). Three-position traffic light patented (1923). Sinking of the Essex […]

July 20th event?

The first moon landing, Mars landing, Ford’s first car shipment, Hank Aaron’s last home run, Roosevelt’s fourth term nomination, Hitler assassination attempt, first US Congresswoman, Canada legalizing same-sex marriage, Special Olympics founding, and Bruce Lee’s death. The first man walked on the moon. (1969) Apollo 11 was the first manned mission of the Apollo series […]

Dec 7th event?

Pearl Harbor was attacked, leading to the US entering WWII. Delaware ratified the US constitution, becoming the first state. The microwave oven was patented and used to cook popcorn. Chiang Kai-Shek fled to Taipei. Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I restored relations between Catholic and Orthodox churches. Instant replay was used in a live […]

Jan 8th event?

Events in American history: Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, African American suffrage in DC, national debt eradication, Citizen Kane controversy, Watergate trial, Mona Lisa exhibit, Battle of New Orleans, War on Poverty, Gallipoli withdrawal, No Child Left Behind Act. Woodrow Wilson outlined his Fourteen Points. (1918) The Points would continue to form the backbone of American […]

Aug 12th event?

Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed, killing 520 people in 1985. The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1953. Swiss banks agreed to pay back US$1.25 billion to Holocaust survivors in 1998. Thirteen Jewish poets and intellectuals were executed in the “Night of the Murdered Poets” in 1952. The California Supreme Court annulled 4,000 […]

Nov 25th event?

The Hollywood 10 were blacklisted for alleged communist ties, while Alfred Nobel patented dynamite and used the proceeds to found the Nobel Prizes. The Iran-Contra affair was exposed, and The Mousetrap opened in London. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was established, and the last British military installation in the US […]

March 23rd event?

The word “OK” gained national recognition in 1839, Hitler became dictator of Germany in 1933, and the Wright brothers applied for a patent for their flying machine in 1903. Teddy Roosevelt left for an African safari in 1909, and scientists announced cold fusion in 1989. Pakistan became the first modern Islamic republic in 1956, Titanic […]

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