What’s a Round File?

Round files are cylindrical hand tools used to remove material from workpieces, commonly for deburring or cutting half-round grooves. They have parallel ridges or teeth that determine the file cut, with six basic grades. Round files come in different sizes and tooth pitches, and are used almost exclusively for internal surfaces of cylindrical workpieces. They […]

What’s a milling file?

Milling files remove small pieces of material from a workpiece and are commonly used for deburring. They come in various sizes, shapes, and materials for different jobs, with rectangular cross-sections and different tooth configurations. They can also be used for sharpening and other finishing work. A milling file is a tool used in both woodworking […]

What’s a File Sequence?

A file sequence is a group of related computer files marked by data in the file name or within the file. Sequences can be used for organization and processing, and can be indicated by appending ascending numbers or letters to filenames. File scattering can complicate access and backup procedures, while file descattering can increase performance. […]

File sharing’s importance in Sweden?

Sweden’s Missionary Church of Kopimism considers copying digital files a religious experience and was officially recognized as a religion in 2012. While some fear it will encourage piracy, the church aims to protect legal sharing of digital knowledge. Piracy remains prevalent, with 40% of software illegally copied and 70% of internet users not seeing it […]

What’s file verification?

File verification checks if a file has been altered, corrupted or infected by a virus. Techniques include comparing files or using a checksum. It’s important for security and data transmission, and programs are available to verify files quickly. Verification is especially important in court cases and forensic investigations. File verification is a process of determining […]

What’s an upload file?

An upload file accompanies electronic files and data collected during electronic discovery in a legal case, creating a permanent record of metadata and serving as an index and reference. E-discovery software can create upload files, retaining metadata and indexing all images for easy reference. Lawyers and detectives can take courses to learn how to operate […]

What’s a versioned file system?

A versioning file system maintains files as they change, allowing them to be restored to a previous state. It can be implemented within a file system or added separately. Methods include periodically saving entire files or maintaining a log of changes. It is useful in collaborative environments for tracking and rolling back changes. A versioning […]

What’s file deletion?

Deleting files can free up space, remove viruses, and protect sensitive data. However, deleted files can often be recovered, so secure deletion methods should be used. Overwriting a disk with random data or physically destroying it are effective options. File deletion is the practice of removing files from a computer’s storage device. Some users delete […]

What’s a Remote File System?

A remote file system allows users to access data files on a storage device not directly connected to their computer. It can refer to physical disks or software protocols, and aims to be transparent for users. Access can be done through a GUI or text command line, and requires authentication. In relation to computers, the […]

What’s a file area network?

A file area network (FAN) is a system that allows easy access to data across multiple devices and systems, regardless of physical location. It can be achieved through software or specialized hardware, making all files on a system accessible without needing to know specific devices or architecture. FAN solves problems in large organizations with varied […]

What’s a Clustered File System?

A clustered file system is stored on multiple servers, providing more memory and scalability. However, it can become complex with more servers, making it difficult for inexperienced users. It is similar to other file systems in features and can be customized for specific network needs. A clustered file system is similar to a normal running […]

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