What’s Scott Guard?

Scald guards prevent water from getting too hot and causing burns. They should be installed in homes with young children or the elderly, especially in bathrooms and kitchens. Different models are available, including those that maintain a constant water temperature. A scald guard is a device used to prevent the water in the bathtub or […]

What’s the cough guard?

Parapertussis is a respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella parapertussis. It causes bronchial constriction and a chronic cough. Antibiotics are used to treat it, and it can be diagnosed through blood tests and nasal cultures. It is contagious and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. Treatment involves antibiotics and hospitalization in severe […]

Qualifications for National Guard?

The National Guard is a US military branch that assists in domestic emergencies. Qualifications include being a US citizen between 17 and 35, passing the ASVAB exam, meeting physical requirements, and completing Basic Combat Training. The National Guard is a branch of the US military in which its service members act whenever called upon to […]

What’s a crossing guard?

Crossing guards help schoolchildren cross busy streets by stopping traffic with a stop sign. They are found in many countries, but have different names. They began to appear in the late 1920s due to concerns for children’s safety. Crossing guards have no legal power, but can report violations to authorities. Their training and duties vary, […]

Need help with National Guard tuition?

National Guard members in the US may be eligible for federal and state-sponsored financial aid programs for education. Eligibility and benefits depend on the type of National Guard and state of service. Assistance can be sought at the federal and state level, with funding granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Contacting local National Guard agencies […]

What was the Praetorian Guard?

The Roman Empire was initially ruled by military leaders, politicians, and a Senate. However, Augustus Caesar became the first emperor and shifted power towards a titular ruler. The emperor had a Praetorian Guard for protection, but corruption led to its dissolution. The Guard was comparable to modern-day Swiss Guard or French Musketeers. The ancient Roman […]

What’s the Nat’l Guard?

The National Guard is a state-based military force that can be activated by the governor during emergencies. It is not under federal control, and the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the use of armed military troops against US citizens. The Guard can be used for domestic law enforcement in specific circumstances, and each state’s governor is […]

How to join Coast Guard Reserve?

Coast Guard reservists undergo the same training as full-time members and must be physically fit with some positions requiring higher education. Age limits and citizenship requirements vary by country, and criminal and drug tests are conducted. Reservists receive on-the-job training and may work in specialized roles, such as pilots or language interpreters. College degrees can […]

What’s the Honor Guard?

An honor guard is a ceremonial group that performs at events such as parades, funerals, and for foreign dignitaries. They wear full uniforms and follow strict protocols, including color guards, pallbearers, and fusiliers. Members must display exemplary behavior and physical aptitude. They represent the military and nation and are present at military funerals, parades, and […]

What’s the Guard Museum?

The Guards Museum in London displays information and items related to the five regiments of the British Army known as the Foot Guard, who serve as the ceremonial guards at Buckingham Palace. The museum is located in the Wellington Barracks and features uniforms, records, medals, and historical items. It also houses Princess Elizabeth’s military uniform […]

Become a crossing guard: how?

Crossing guards ensure safety when crossing streets, roads or overpasses, with requirements varying by location. They may be called school patrol or crossing patrol officers and need people skills, physical fitness, and knowledge of traffic laws. They can also direct traffic during accidents or signal failures. The job can be paid or voluntary. A crossing […]

Best Security Guard courses: how to choose?

Choose a specific security field to focus on when selecting security guard courses. Look for certified courses that offer classroom instruction and real-world education, including internships. Physical and electronic security courses are available, and quality courses offer training in responding to different scenarios and callers. Successful completion of a course will result in certification and […]

How to be a prison guard?

Becoming a prison guard requires passing a criminal background check, drug and alcohol testing, and a physical fitness test, as well as having the personality to handle different situations. The job offers steady employment, benefits, and opportunities for advancement in law enforcement. If you are interested in earning a good salary and making a difference […]

How to become a security guard?

Becoming a security guard requires minimum requirements such as age and education, and specialized training may be necessary depending on the situation. Armed guards require additional training, while highly technical fields such as casinos require more extensive training and offer higher salaries. The requirements for becoming a security guard vary by state or country, although […]

Coast Guard Reservist duties?

Coast Guard reservists are civilians who spend one weekend a month and two weeks a year as fully functioning members of the USCG. They are involved in a wide variety of tasks, including national security, maritime law enforcement, marine environmental protection, search and rescue, and aids to navigation. The Coast Guard Reserve was restructured in […]

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