Inductive sensor: what is it?

Inductive sensors detect metal using a magnetic field and are used in various applications. They consist of an oscillator, iron core or coil, sensing circuit, and output processor. They are preferred over mechanical switches due to their durability and lack of physical contact. They can detect various metals, but calibration may be required for non-ferrous […]

Inductive charging: what is it?

Inductive charging transfers energy wirelessly between two power systems with electric coils generating an electromagnetic field. It has advantages such as wireless charging and modular construction, but disadvantages include heat and power consumption. Inductive charging is a method of moving energy wirelessly. A power generation system is positioned next to an energy storage or transfer […]

What’s inductive inference?

Inductive inferences are not absolutely true, unlike deductive inferences, and are usually preceded by “probably”. Logic studies arguments, breaking them down into premises. Deductive inferences draw specific conclusions from general rules, while inductive inferences draw general rules from specific cases, with their strength based on probability. An inductive inference is a logical inference that is […]

Inductive load: what is it?

Inductive loads use magnetic energy to do work and are found in industrial and heavy equipment. They store energy until it’s needed and convert it with magnetic fields. Inductive loads require protective diodes to prevent circuit overloads and damage. Back EMF causes some energy to be wasted, so inductive loads only use about 70% of […]

Inductive Coupling: What is it?

Inductive coupling is when a magnetic field from an electric current induces an effect on something else, creating a mutually reactive relationship. It is used in transformers, electric motors, and resonant devices to create desired electric currents, mechanical effects, or resonance. Transformers use induction to connect two circuits without physical contact, while motors use induction […]

What’s inductive reasoning?

Inductive reasoning is a method of drawing probable conclusions from patterns of data. It can be used in medicine and to predict future behavior, but it is inherently flawed and can be disproven. The fallibility of inductive reasoning encourages thorough testing and can lead to accurate scientific deductions. Inductive reasoning is a method of drawing […]

What’s inductive logic?

Inductive logic draws probable conclusions from premises or observations, but is open to biases and incorrect conclusions. A strong argument has a high probability, but even strong arguments can be flawed due to biases, illogical conclusions, and uncertainty. It is important to examine each premise for potential bias and illogicality, and to determine the probability […]

Inductive vs. deductive reasoning: what’s the difference?

Inductive reasoning starts with specific observations and expands them into a general theory, while deductive reasoning starts with a general theory and works towards a specific conclusion. Both can lead to false results if the initial premise is false. Inductive and deductive reasoning are both approaches that can be used to evaluate inferences. Deductive reasoning […]

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