Comp. Crim. Justice: What is it?

Comparative criminal justice studies legal practices worldwide to gain insight into law enforcement practices and how they can be improved. The field is based on learning from past experiences and analyzing the legal systems of other countries. Experts are concerned with police forces, methods of punishment, and the type of political system. Graduates can pursue […]

What’s restorative justice?

Restorative justice focuses on addressing harm caused by crime at an individual level, involving victims and offenders in the justice process. It is used in civil law, family settings, and residential facilities. Victims can offer input and interact with offenders in a mediated environment, while offenders can make personal amends and engage in community service. […]

What’s an Assoc. Justice?

Associate justices are members of high-level appellate courts who review decisions of lower courts. They serve alongside a chief justice and may be called upon to write the majority or dissenting opinion. They are selected through various methods, such as direct election or appointment by the President and confirmation by the Senate. An associate justice […]

Criminal justice theory?

Criminal justice theory has four main philosophies: punishment, retribution, deterrence, and reform. Punishment and retribution aim to punish offenders, while deterrence and reform aim to prevent future crimes. Critics argue that punishment and retribution have no practical benefit, while deterrence theory involves heavy penalties and may not significantly reduce crime. Reform theory aims to transform […]

What’s a unified justice system?

A unified court system consolidates separately managed courts into a centrally managed court system to achieve efficiency and judicial consistency. Local courts were established independently, leading to specialized courts with limited powers. The idea of a unified judicial system became popular in the early 20th century, and many countries have implemented it, but it remains […]

What’s procedural justice?

Procedural justice refers to the fairness of legal procedures. It involves representation, consistency, impartiality, and balancing costs. Many nations strive for a fair justice system, but achieving it can be difficult due to factors like social bias and income inequality. Procedural justice is a legal concept that refers to the fairness of the procedures involved […]

What’s distributive justice?

Distributive justice is a legal and philosophical concept that focuses on a society’s rules for distributing goods and services. It involves the duty of society to allocate resources to needy citizens and ensure equity of access to basic human needs. Fair allocation is a problem that attracts much discussion among theorists, with differences of opinion […]

What’s a Justice of the Peace?

A justice of the peace presides over low-level prosecutions and can testify or notarize signatures and oaths. In the US, they often conduct civil partnerships and marriage ceremonies. Requirements vary, but most positions require no criminal convictions and have term limits. A justice of the peace is a government official usually only authorized to preside […]

Retributive justice: what is it?

Retributive justice is a legal principle that punishes a crime proportionally to the crime committed. It is viewed as compensation for the crime, and can include imprisonment, loss of property, and even loss of life. Different societies have varying degrees of proportionality, and some systems focus on the unfair benefits gained through the crime. The […]

What’s the Intl. Court of Justice?

The World Court in the Netherlands settles disputes between nations and hears criminal cases. It was established in 1946 and has 15 judges appointed by the UN. The court has resolved cases involving international treaties, environmental law, and war crimes, but member countries are not necessarily bound by court decisions. The current seat is in […]

What’s the Int’l Court of Justice?

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the UN’s judicial organ, established in 1945 to settle disputes and provide advisory opinions. The ICJ operates from The Hague and has 15 judges who serve for nine years. Its effectiveness is limited by the veto power of the UN Security Council, and its judgments rely on a […]

What’s the meaning of “Let Justice Rush to Heaven”?

Fiat justitia ruat caelum, meaning “may justice be done even if the heavens fall,” has been used since ancient times by Greek and Roman leaders and in historical writings. It has been applied in pursuit of justice from a moral and philosophical approach, and is still used in modern times. The phrase’s true meaning and […]

Criminal justice jobs?

Criminal justice jobs vary from working in a crime lab to being a police officer or court clerk. Requirements differ depending on the specialization, but the goal is to ensure laws are followed. There are many options available for those interested in criminal justice careers. Criminal justice jobs range from those dealing with the court […]

Juvenile justice careers: what are they?

Juvenile justice careers involve working with young people facing criminal charges. Common careers include judge, attorney, probation officer, and counselor. Educational and professional experience requirements vary. There are many different types of careers in juvenile justice. An individual who wants to pursue a career in this field will usually have a general interest in working […]

Sociology of criminal justice: what is it?

Sociology studies human interaction from families to civilizations, with a focus on analyzing and applying sociological information to solve societal problems. The sociology of criminal justice evaluates factors leading to crime and tools to prevent and punish it, including cultural approaches and social debates. Sociologists study the roots of crime, including factors like dysfunctional family […]

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