Best camping kettle: how to choose?

When choosing a camping kettle, consider the type of camping, cooking, and kettle features. Metal composition is important, with aluminum and stainless steel being common, but other materials like alulite and cast iron have advantages. Safety features like heat-resistant handles and tight-fitting lids are crucial. Consider storage space and camping style, and choose a size […]

What is Open Kettle Canning?

Open kettle canning is a fast but unsafe food preservation method that involves placing hot foods into hot jars and sealing them closed. It doesn’t raise the temperature of the food enough to kill many harmful organisms and leaves numerous opportunities for contamination. It’s not recommended for long-term or room temperature storage. Open kettle canning […]

Best kettle chips: how to choose?

Kettle chips are made in batches, resulting in a unique texture and flavor. They take longer to cook, creating a crispier chip and intense potato flavor. Online reviews and free samples can help with choosing flavors, and it’s important to check for freshness, expiration dates, and allergens. Kettle Potato Chips make a crispy, crunchy and […]

Origins of “pot calls kettle black”?

“The pot calling the kettle black” accuses someone of hypocrisy. The phrase originated in medieval kitchens where pots and kettles were made of cast iron and blackened with use. The phrase has been used in literature, including Don Quixote and by Shakespeare. The phrase is not racist, as it refers to the color of the […]

What’s a good fish kettle?

“Fine kettle of fish” is an English idiom meaning a difficult or chaotic situation. Its origin is unclear, but it may have come from a northern English tradition of cooking fish in a large cauldron. Other idioms with similar meanings include “nice pickle” and “nice how’s it go.” “Fine kettle of fish” is an idiomatic […]

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