Forum manners?

Forum etiquette is important for maintaining a standard of acceptable behavior when expressing opinions online. Posting personal information, name-calling, scrolling, flaming, and using all caps are violations. The golden rule applies: treat others as you would like to be treated. Report offensive posts to moderators. The internet has become a worldwide community and in the […]

Workplace manners?

Workplace etiquette involves respectful behavior, such as addressing coworkers politely, adhering to dress codes, and taking responsibility for work. Companies often have specific guides for expected conduct, and workplace manuals may outline additional rules. Workplace etiquette refers to proper behavior in the workplace, to make the environment in which people work polite, respectful, pleasant. This […]

Teaching good table manners to my child?

Parents fear their children will misbehave in restaurants, so they should teach table manners through leading by example, role-play, and formal meals. Books and videos can also help, and correcting misbehavior is important. Consistency and praise are key to successful etiquette education. A universal fear among parents is that their children will behave so badly […]

Funeral manners?

Funeral etiquette varies across cultures and religions. Attendees are expected to dress modestly, behave respectfully, greet mourners, and send flowers and cards. Specific rules surround behavior in certain situations, and close friends may offer assistance. Bereaved persons should send thank-you notes and greet guests politely during visiting hours. Funeral etiquette is a set of etiquette […]

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