What’s the Iroquois Nation?

The Iroquois Nation is a confederation of five Native American tribes that formed “The League of Nations”. They were known for their longhouses, matrilineal culture, and participatory democracy. The League had a 50-member Grand Council to keep peace between the tribes. The Iroquois Nation may have served as a model for the US Constitution. The […]

What’s the Cayuga Nation?

The Cayuga Nation, a Native American tribe, lived in the Finger Lakes area of New York and were part of the Iroquois Confederacy. They were divided into five clans, with women choosing the clan chief and making decisions about land and resources. The tribe was known for farming, hunting, and playing lacrosse. During the Revolutionary […]

What’s Blackfoot Nation?

The Blackfoot Nation, also known as the Blackfeet, were Great Plains hunters who migrated to the Americas from Asia. They lived in teepees and were divided into three subgroups. Early fur trappers saw them as aggressive warriors, and some still live on reservations today. The Blackfoot Nation, also known as the Blackfoot Nation, is a […]

Sioux Nation: What is it?

The Sioux Nation consists of three groups: Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota, each with their own language and living on their own reservations. The Lakota were originally from the Great Lakes and were involved in battles such as the “Battle of the Little Bighorn” and “Wounded Knee Massacre.” The Nakota once lived in northern Minnesota and […]

What’s a Tribal Nation?

Tribal nations in the US are made up of Native American tribes that governed themselves before European arrival. They have sovereign rights, their own governments, and manage their own affairs. They are not subject to state laws but can access US courts with approval. The US government and Bureau of Indian Affairs can make decisions […]

What’s Birth of a Nation?

The Birth of a Nation, a controversial American film from 1915, is criticized for its racist content and false portrayal of history. Despite its innovation in cinema, many argue it is propaganda with no cultural value. The film’s controversy helped organize the civil rights movement. Birth of a Nation is a highly controversial American film […]

What’s an Emerging Nation?

An emerging nation is a developing country showing significant industrialization, between developing and developed nations. There is no consensus on definitions, but China, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines are considered emerging. The term is subjective and can change over time. In the study of economics and politics, an emerging nation is a developing […]

Which African nation tops in internet usage?

Morocco had the highest internet penetration rate in Africa in 2011, with 41.3% of the population having access to the internet. Nigeria had the largest number of internet users (44 million) and Egypt had the second-largest (20 million). South Africa, Algeria, and Sudan also had significant numbers of internet users. As of 2011, the African […]

Which nation has the most Christians?

The US has the most Christians by population, with over 200 million identifying as such. The Vatican and Pitcairn Islands are 100% Christian. China has a growing Christian population, with over 55 million. There are over 2 billion Christians worldwide, with Roman Catholic being the largest denomination. Brazil, Russia, and Mexico have the second-largest number […]

What’s a debtor nation?

A debtor nation has more money flowing out than in, resulting in a negative balance of payments (BOP) due to trade deficits, limited foreign investment, or excessive investment in foreign firms. The BOP is divided into the financial, current, and capital accounts, with a net outflow characterizing a debtor nation. Deficits can be used to […]

State, nation, country: what’s the difference?

The terms “state”, “nation” and “country” are often used interchangeably, but they have discernable differences. An independent state is the same as an independent country, while a nation is a group of people who share a language, culture, institutions, history and religion. A nation-state is when a nation of people has its own distinct country. […]

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