What are industry norms?

Industry standards are rules followed by most members of an industry, ranging from plug size to manufacturing processes. Standards benefit consumers and manufacturers by providing a basic quality standard and interchangeable parts. Organizations such as ANSI set standards with input from industry representatives and consumers. Repair businesses benefit from industry standards, and companies can submit […]

What’s gender norms?

Genre conventions are the defining aspects of a genre, including archetypal characters and plot points. Artists use these conventions to satisfy audience expectations, but they can become clichéd. Conventions evolve over time through repetition and experimentation, and new works can introduce new elements that change the genre. Examples include Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” and Robert E. […]

What are the norms?

Established practices are policies and procedures that businesses have used in the past, providing insight into how they may react to future events. They offer stability and insight for employees and investors, but relying solely on them can hinder a company’s ability to adapt to new situations. Also known as past practices, established practices are […]

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