What’s a consignment note?

A waybill is a shipping document that includes details about the shipment, such as weight and transport modes. It is used for tracking and must be accurate to pass through customs. Other documents are attached for international shipments. A waybill is a term used to describe the billing documentation prepared by the shipping company that […]

What’s a progress note?

A progress note is a medical record written by nurses or physicians in a specific format, usually containing information about the patient’s progress, diagnosis, treatment plan, and test results. The standard format is SOAP, with sections for subjective, objective, evaluation, and plan. Progress notes are archived when the patient’s condition is serious, discharged, or transferred, […]

What’s the meaning of “Note Bene”?

Nota bene (NB) is a Latin phrase meaning “note well” and is used to emphasize and direct readers to pay special attention to important information in legal, academic, scientific, mathematical, and technical writings. It can also be used to mark critical sections in a document or signal the need for further analysis. NB is always […]

What’s a forward note?

Anticipation notes, also known as forward note bonds, are short-term bonds used by local or state governments to bridge financial gaps until long-term bonds generate revenue. They require thorough financial investigation and documentation, and should not be used as a long-term financial strategy or to delay debt payments. When a local or state government needs […]

What are note sheets? (24 characters)

Record sheets are used to keep track of everything that happens in a court case, including attorney appearances, filed documents, hearing summaries, and judge’s notes. They are part of the official file kept at the court and are considered public information, except in cases involving minors or adoptions. In most jurisdictions around the world, a […]

What’s a conv. note?

Convertible notes are low-interest corporate bonds that can be exchanged for shares in the future, offering advantages such as low interest rates and debt reduction, but also disadvantages such as dilution of present value to shareholders. They are available in the investment markets of the US, Japan, Canada, Europe, and Asia. A convertible note is […]

Best tips for selling a promissory note?

A promissory note is an agreement by a borrower to repay a lender within a certain period of time. Lenders may sell the note before it is due, but it is important to have all documentation in order and evaluate market conditions. Gathering all documentation, promoting the note as a good investment, and working with […]

What’s a ransom note?

A ransom note demands payment for the return of a hostage, often using disguised writing and threats of harm. Kidnapping for ransom is a global issue, with wealthy individuals and political groups targeted. Piracy also involves ransom demands, with criminal organizations targeting private and commercial vessels. A ransom note is a note or short letter […]

When to send job interview thank you note?

Sending a thank you note after an interview is important to make a good final impression and build relationships. The note should be brief, personal, and express gratitude for the company’s time. It can also imply interest in the job or withdraw the application politely. A thank you note can make a difference in competitive […]

How to write a thank you note?

Properly thanking someone involves sending a short, personal note within 30 days of receiving a gift or good deed. Use stationery, write in ink, and acknowledge the thought behind the gift without mentioning the amount. Thank hosts for their hospitality and express gratitude without adding humor or work updates. Everyone knows it’s okay to say […]

What’s a Thank You Note?

Thank-you notes are still expected for gifts or kind gestures. They should be sent immediately and express gratitude. It’s not necessary to be elaborate, but handmade gifts should be appreciated. Gratitude is important and perpetuating this rule of etiquette is necessary. While many etiquette rules have been dropped in recent years, one convention still holds […]

Secured promissory note: what is it?

A secured promissory note specifies the terms of a loan guaranteed by a borrower offering collateral to a lender, allowing borrowers to receive better terms. The note includes information about the lender, borrower, loan amount, interest rate, and repayment period, while the security agreement specifies the collateral. A secured promissory note is the part of […]

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