Buy or sell an Oscar statuette?

The Oscar statuette is 13.5 inches tall, weighs 8.5 pounds, and costs $400 to produce. Winners don’t own their Oscars, and they can’t be sold without first offering them back to the Academy for $1. During WWII, winners received painted plaster statues, and the name “Oscar” originated in the 1930s. Oscars awarded before 1950 can […]

Has anyone refused an Oscar?

Only three people have turned down an Oscar: Dudley Nichols, Marlon Brando, and George C. Scott. Katharine Hepburn won four Academy Awards but never attended the ceremonies. Beatrice Straight won Best Supporting Actress for less than six minutes of screen time. Joanne Woodward and Peter Sellers were nominated for playing multiple roles in a film. […]

First Oscar for Best Animated Feature?

Shrek won the first Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2001, beating out Monsters, Inc. and Jimmy Neutron. To qualify, a film must be over 40 minutes and have at least 75% animated characters. DreamWorks produced two sequels, and Pixar has had nine nominations and seven wins. DreamWorks holds the record for most nominations […]

Which movie star never won an Oscar?

Cary Grant was never awarded an Oscar for his leading roles, despite being nominated twice for dramatic performances. He received an honorary award in 1970 for his contributions to the film industry. Grant was also known for negotiating a percentage of box office profits and taking control of his career. He started as a juggler […]

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