What’s Foucault’s pendulum?

Foucault’s pendulum demonstrates the Earth’s rotation by swinging back and forth in a vertical plane. The longer the string, the slower the swing, and the Earth can be seen rotating from below. The experiment is most effective at the equator or the poles. Today, thousands of Foucault pendulums exist in universities and scientific institutions, but […]

What’s pendulum physics?

Pendulum physics describes the swinging motion of a weight hung from a fixed point. The pendulum will continue to swing unless acted upon by an external force due to the fundamental law of inertia. The energy within a system remains constant, and the total potential and kinetic energy of the weight is preserved throughout the […]

What’s a pendulum?

A simple pendulum is a theoretical model in physics consisting of a point mass suspended from a string in a frictionless environment. Its motion is described by mathematical equations, with the swing period depending on the length of the string and gravitational force. Kinetic and potential energies are also considered, making it useful for clocks […]

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