Why isn’t Pluto a planet anymore?

Pluto was downgraded from being a planet to a dwarf planet or minor planet due to a new definition of what constitutes a classical planet by the International Astronomical Union. The new standards require a celestial body to be a round shape and gravitational dominant enough to keep anything of similar size from floating around […]

What’s a terrestrial planet?

Terrestrial planets are the four closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They have solid surfaces, weak magnetic fields, and no or few moons. Gas planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, which are much larger and composed of gases and liquids. They have strong magnetic fields, multiple moons, and rings. Each terrestrial […]

Hottest planet in galaxy?

Astronomers at Ohio State University have discovered KELT-9b, a planet three times the size of Jupiter and the hottest exoplanet ever identified. Its proximity to its star means temperatures reach over 7,800°F, causing life-sustaining molecules to be unable to exist. The planet also receives violent radiation, which could cause it to evaporate completely. Ohio State […]

Oldest planet in solar system?

Jupiter is the oldest planet in the Solar System, according to research by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Its solid core grew to 20 times the size of Earth in its first million years, and it likely “ate up” much of the debris circling around. Chemical analysis of ancient meteorites helped determine Jupiter’s age and origin. […]

What’s a minor planet?

Minor planets are celestial objects that orbit the sun but are not traditional planets or comets. They include asteroids, Trojans, and centaurs, and there are over 500 million in the universe. Pluto was reclassified as a minor planet in 2006, along with Eris, Haume, Makemate, and Ceres. Naming procedures are in place, and suggestions must […]

What’s planet Vulcan?

Astronomers in the 19th century believed in a hypothetical planet called Vulcan, closer to the Sun than Mercury, due to discrepancies in Mercury’s orbit. Observations of black spots transiting the Sun were thought to be Vulcan, but Einstein’s theory of relativity explained the anomaly. The search for Vulcanoid objects continues, but the Yarkovsky effect makes […]

What’s Osiris planet?

Osiris, a gas giant planet orbiting HD 209458, was the first exoplanet discovered orbiting a Sun-like star. It has been the subject of many astronomical milestones, including the first extrasolar atmosphere to be measured and the first direct light to be captured by an exoplanet. Osiris has a huge ellipsoidal envelope of hot gas surrounding […]

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