Prevent acid reflux: How?

To prevent acid reflux, avoid foods that trigger it, eat smaller meals throughout the day, don’t exercise after eating, eat at least two to three hours before bed, elevate your head when sleeping, maintain a healthy weight, and consider antacids or prescription medication if necessary. To prevent acid reflux or heartburn, start by considering the […]

Acid reflux and stress: any link?

Stress may indirectly trigger acid reflux attacks by slowing down digestion, putting pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and causing overindulgence in comfort food, smoking, or alcohol. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux symptoms. Most people believe there is a link between acid […]

What’s reflux nephropathy?

Reflux nephropathy is kidney damage caused by chronic backward flow of urine. It can be congenital or acquired, and risk factors include urinary tract abnormalities and recurring infections. Treatment varies depending on severity and damage. Tests and imaging are needed for diagnosis. Mild reflux can be treated with antibiotics and antihypertensive drugs, while severe cases […]

What’s a reflux condenser?

A reflux condenser cools vapors in laboratory glassware. It has a glass tube in a cylinder, with water pumped through the cylinder to cool the vapor and condense it. There are two types: air-cooled and water-cooled, with various designs. The condenser is used in distillation to recycle solvent and reduce loss. A reflux condenser is […]

Best diet for acid reflux?

An acid reflux diet can help reduce heartburn and indigestion by eliminating high-fat foods and emphasizing low-risk foods such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat meats, and whole grains. Eating smaller meals, avoiding food before bedtime, and keeping the head elevated while sleeping can also help. It’s important to consult a doctor for a diagnosis and to […]

Foods to avoid for acid reflux?

Certain foods can trigger acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion, especially those high in fat, dairy, caffeine, or citric acid. Avoiding these foods and adopting a pH balanced diet can help alleviate symptoms. Food preparation and timing of meals also play a role in managing acid reflux. Acid reflux, heartburn, and indigestion can be triggered through […]

Severe acid reflux: what is it?

Severe acid reflux causes frequent heartburn and can lead to complications such as erosion of the esophagus. Treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery. In some cases, acid reflux can cause complications like esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus. Severe acid reflux is a medical condition characterized by frequent episodes of severe heartburn and the emergence […]

Colic or reflux? How to tell?

Constant crying in babies can indicate colic or reflux, but the symptoms and causes are different. Colic is characterized by predictable crying, while reflux is associated with spitting up, coughing, and wheezing. Colic usually goes away on its own, while reflux may require dietary changes or medication. Reflux can lead to more serious medical complications […]

What’s laryngopharyngeal reflux?

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a disorder where stomach contents, including acid, back up into the throat, causing irritation. Symptoms may not include heartburn and diagnosis requires special tests. Treatment can include lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery. Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is a disorder in which stomach contents, including stomach acid, back up into the throat. Unlike […]

Acid reflux throat pain?

Acid reflux can cause a sore throat due to stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. Drinking water, gargling with salt water, and using acid reflux medications can help. Acid reflux is common and can be treated with medication or over-the-counter remedies. Acid reflux sore throat is a condition that results from extreme cases of […]

Causes of acid reflux and nausea?

Acid reflux and nausea are often caused by a malfunctioning lower esophageal sphincter, which allows stomach acid to flow into the esophagus. Lifestyle factors such as eating before bed, smoking, and consuming certain foods and medications can also contribute to the problem. A hiatus hernia can also cause these symptoms. When a person has acid […]

Acid reflux and sore throat: linked?

Acid reflux can cause a sore throat due to the corrosive nature of stomach acid. Treatment options include medication, diet and lifestyle changes, drinking water, herbal tea with honey, gargling salt water, and sucking on cold drinks, popsicles, hard candy, or throat lozenges. Many people with acid reflux also experience a sore throat. This is […]

Non-acid reflux: what is it?

Non-acid reflux can cause symptoms similar to acid reflux, including heartburn and coughing. Acid reflux medications may not work for non-acid reflux, and surgery or medication may be needed to treat it. Esophageal pH monitoring can determine the type of reflux a person has. Many people are familiar with acid reflux and the discomfort it […]

Heart palpitations and acid reflux: any link?

Acid reflux and heart palpitations are not directly linked, but they share many of the same causes, such as stress, obesity, poor diet, and certain medications. Patients should seek medical advice if they experience palpitations, as they could indicate a more serious health problem. Acid reflux is a condition in which an individual frequently experiences […]

Acid reflux and bloating: any link?

Acid reflux and bloating are linked, with pressure from bloating causing stomach acid to rise into the esophagus, and increased acid triggering a swallowing reflex that draws air into the stomach. Bloating occurs when gas gets trapped in the stomach, and can be caused by swallowing air while eating, digestion, or certain foods. Medical conditions […]

Acid reflux and asthma link?

Acid reflux and asthma are closely related, with acid reflux worsening asthma symptoms. Treatment for acid reflux can improve patient comfort and control asthma symptoms. Patients with asthma should be aware of their increased risk for acid reflux and seek evaluation if their treatment plans aren’t working. Acid reflux and asthma are closely related conditions. […]

What’s reflux laryngitis?

Reflux laryngitis is caused by stomach acid flowing into the esophagus and irritating the voice box, resulting in chronic hoarseness, sore throat, and dry cough. Lifestyle changes and medication can treat the condition. Reflux laryngitis is the chronic irritation and swelling of the voice box or larynx caused by the reflux of stomach acids into […]

What’s bile reflux?

Bile reflux can cause stomach inflammation and discomfort, often presenting with acid reflux. Treatment involves medication or surgery to prevent further damage to the upper digestive system. Diagnostic tests are needed to evaluate the condition, and symptoms should not be ignored due to the risk of complications. Medications can help relieve symptoms, and severe cases […]

Coffee & acid reflux: any link?

Dark roasted coffee may not cause acid reflux, unlike milder coffees, due to the chemical N-methylpyridinium (NMP) found in darker roasts that prevents the stomach from producing painful acids. This finding could change the relationship between mild coffee and acid reflux. It has long been thought that those suffering from acid reflux and related disorders […]

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