What’s a Scraper Conveyor?

A scraper conveyor uses a driven chain loop with crossbars to move coarse materials short distances, up moderate grades, or even underwater. It is cost-effective and reliable, making it an ideal alternative to belt conveyors for heavy and irregularly shaped objects. A scraper conveyor is a material conveying device using a continuous, driven chain loop […]

What’s an edge scraper?

Edge scrapers are kitchen tools used to lift food off cutting boards. They come in various materials, including stainless steel, wood, and nylon. They are used by chefs and bakers to transport food items and can be sharpened to increase their effectiveness. They are versatile and can replace other kitchen tools in a pinch. An […]

Tongue scraper: what is it?

Tongue scrapers have been used for thousands of years to remove bacteria, dead skin cells, fungi, and undigested food from the tongue. They should be used before brushing and flossing to prevent debris from escaping into the back of the throat. Without cleaning the tongue, various diseases can invade the human body. A tongue scraper […]

What’s a Screen Scraper?

A screen scraper extracts character-based data from a program’s display output and presents it in a richer format. It searches through a website’s code to filter out extraneous code and collects useful data. Screen scrapers are used by businesses to generate reports and presentations, but can also be used for spamming. There is debate about […]

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