Fugitive Slave Act 1850: What is it?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 required citizens and officials to assist in returning fugitive slaves to their owners, with serious consequences for those who refused. Abolitionists saw the process as unfair, and tensions between the north and south increased. The law was repealed in 1864. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of […]

What’s the Fugitive Slave Act?

The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 allowed slave owners to recapture runaway slaves, with the federal government’s assistance, and denied slaves legal rights. Northern states resisted the law, leading to conflict and contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War. The law became meaningless after the war and the passage of the 13th amendment. The […]

Origins of African slave trade?

The African slave trade began before America’s involvement and still exists in parts of Africa today. Slavery was common in Ghana and Nigeria in the 18th century, but slaves had the ability to purchase their freedom. Portugal brought slaves to Brazil, followed by other countries in South and Central America. The US had a smaller […]

What are slave codes? (27 characters)

Slave codes were laws developed by North American jurisdictions in the 1600s to regulate the status of slaves, their masters’ rights, and the acceptable treatment of slaves. These laws left slaves with few legal rights, including the right to own property, sign contracts, or defend themselves against bodily harm. Slave codes also regulated where slaves […]

What’s a slave narrative?

Slave narratives were popular autobiographies in the 19th century, describing the abuse and conditions of slavery, flight to freedom, and the effect on families. Their goal was to appeal to white audiences and promote abolitionism, often using vivid scenes of violence and religious themes. They also aimed to place African American experiences within the context […]

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