Talking to deafblind people?

Various techniques can be used to communicate with deafblind people, including sign language, tactile signing, adapted signage, and palm printing. It is important to be sensitive to etiquette and the severity of the person’s condition when communicating. People who wish to communicate with deafblinds can do so in a number of ways. Techniques such as […]

What’s Talking Computer Software?

Talking computer software can provide audible and spoken output for users, including text-to-speech and interactive programs. These programs use pre-recorded speech information to generate speech, and are often used to assist those with special needs. They can also be used to create more interactive software applications, with the potential for speech recognition technology. Talking computer […]

Best talking pedometer: how to choose?

A talking pedometer counts steps and calories burned, and can include an alarm and panic alarm feature for safety. It can also have a large, easy-to-read display for those with visual impairments. The device can be clipped to clothing or worn on the arm or waist. The best talking pedometer counts steps taken and calories […]

What’s a talking dictionary?

A talking dictionary provides spoken pronunciation and additional information. They can be portable electronic devices or computer programs, and are useful for language learners and visually impaired individuals. They can assist with learning pronunciation and are often used in language education. A talking dictionary is a device or program that provides the spoken pronunciation of […]

Are working couples talking enough to their kids?

Working parents have an average of 30 seconds of meaningful conversation with their children due to work and lack of interest. Children feel their parents ask too many personal questions, but also don’t have enough time to talk. Parent-child communication increases for young adults, but children below the poverty line hear fewer words. Working couples […]

Why do vets avoid talking about their war experiences?

Veterans who have served in war may be reluctant to discuss their experiences due to trauma, concerns about upsetting loved ones, or security constraints. However, studies show that discussing wartime experiences can help veterans and their families process their experiences and avoid negative fallout. The high number of veterans seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress syndrome […]

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