What’s farm life today?

New technologies and a growing interest in organic food have impacted the number of farms doing business. Factory farming has replaced small family farms, but animal cruelty concerns have led to a return to simpler, organic farming. Despite technological advances, farm life still requires commitment and sacrifice. Large farms with hired workers are becoming the […]

Does 1936 Johnstown Flood Affect PA Today?

In 1936, a flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania led to a temporary 10% tax on wine and liquor sales to fund recovery efforts. The tax remains today at 18%, generating $300 million annually for the state. Despite attempts to repeal or reduce it, none have passed. The flood led to national flood control legislation and Johnstown […]

Most banned books today?

Books deemed “anti-establishment,” “inflammatory,” “corrupt,” and “vulgar” have been censored or banned by governments, libraries, and schools worldwide. Religion and governments are main reasons for book bans. The American Library Association works to raise awareness of banned books. The top ten banned books in the US include Scary Stories, Harry Potter, and The Adventures of […]

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