What’s the Unknown Soldier’s Tomb?

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery honors unidentified American soldiers who died in combat. Guards follow a specific program and the tomb has no formal name. It was dedicated in 1921 for World War I and later expanded to include World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Visitors […]

How to conquer fear of the unknown?

To overcome fear of the unknown, define your fear, educate yourself, meditate, or take steps to address it directly. Fear can be paralyzing, but understanding it is the first step. Educating yourself on the real risks, meditating, and taking small steps can help overcome fear. If your worries threaten to overwhelm you and keep you […]

How many men raise unknown children?

1.7-3.3% of fathers unknowingly raise children who are not theirs. Fathers who challenge paternity are less likely to be the real father. US has highest divorce rate in the world. 41% of married couples report having an affair. 31% of couples remain married after an affair. A 2006 survey found that 1.7 to 3.3 percent […]

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