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What’s homophobia?

[ad_1] Homophobia, the irrational fear of homosexual behavior or homosexuals, can take many forms, from bullying to discrimination. Some believe it is one of the last accepted discriminatory practices, even in liberal countries. Homophobia can stem from religious views, concern for masculinity, or myths about homosexual behavior. Organizations like PFLAG work to reduce homophobia and […]

What’s Mie Goreng?

[ad_1] Mie Goreng is a popular Indonesian and Malaysian dish made from egg noodles, soy sauce, spices, and vegetables. It can include meat or be made vegetarian with tofu. Garnishes include omelette, fried egg, shallots, or pickled onions. The dish is stir-fried and should not be overcooked. Mie Goreng is a type of Indonesian fried […]

What’s sibling rivalry?

[ad_1] Sibling rivalry is a natural competition between siblings for parental attention and recognition. Factors such as birth order, personality, and grandparent favoritism can influence it. Parents can reduce it by spending alone time with each child, modeling healthy competition, and treating siblings fairly. Excessive rivalry can be addressed with family counseling. Sibling rivalry describes […]

What’s hostage negotiation?

[ad_1] Hostage negotiation involves law enforcement agencies attempting to settle with kidnappers or hijackers. Specially trained negotiators work to get hostages to safety. The four stages of negotiation include initial, negotiation, termination, and post-trade phases. The commander and negotiator work together to resolve the situation and free hostages without harm. Hostage negotiation refers to the […]

What’s a bicuspid aortic valve?

[ad_1] A bicuspid aortic valve, which has two cusps instead of three, can be benign or lead to heart problems. It is often not noticed until later in life and may require antibiotics during dental procedures. Symptoms vary and can lead to aortic stenosis or regurgitation, which may require medication or surgery. The aortic valve, […]

What’s a Const. Republic?

[ad_1] A constitutional republic is a government where democratic voting exists, but individual power is limited by a constitution that protects certain rights. It differs from a pure democracy where the majority could implement tyrannical policies against minority groups. A constitution can be changed but requires more than a simple majority. Checks and balances are […]

What’s Angelman Syndrome?

[ad_1] Angelman syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the nervous system, causing developmental delays, movement disorders, and short attention spans. There is no cure, but supportive therapies can help patients live a happy life. The condition is caused by a deletion of genetic material on chromosome 15 and is not hereditary. It is named […]

What’s an offshore installation manager’s job?

[ad_1] An offshore installation manager oversees oil drilling, manages workers, and maintains safety. They train and supervise workers, inspect safety, monitor oil production, track equipment inventory, and communicate with customer representatives. Good leadership skills and organizational habits are helpful, and a degree in a related field is ideal. An offshore installation manager is responsible for […]

What’s Booth Capture?

[ad_1] Booth capture is a form of election fraud common in India and Sri Lanka, where a political party fills a polling station with non-registered party loyalists to prevent opposing votes. It became a criminal offense in India in 1989, but still occurs to some extent. The use of electronic voting machines and laws allowing […]

What’s AFQT?

[ad_1] The Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) is required for those wishing to join the military. The exam has four sections, and scores are used to determine eligibility and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). A high school diploma or GED is also required. AFQT is an abbreviation for Armed Forces Qualification Test. Individuals who wish to […]