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What’s the Senate Commerce Committee?

[ad_1] The Senate Commerce Committee regulates commerce and has jurisdiction over 19 areas related to commerce, science, and technology. Its work includes reviewing federal department operations and budgets, holding hearings on nominees, and introducing new issues. Political considerations and lobbyists also influence its activities. The Senate Commerce Committee is one of 20 standing and select […]

What’s nativism?

[ad_1] Nativism is a preference for the inhabitants of a country or region and opposition to immigration. It can arise from ethnic, religious, cultural, or racial reasons. Nativists may fear immigrants taking jobs or changing the area’s culture. Government policies can be influenced by nativism, and anti-immigration sentiments can lead to discrimination and violence. Historical […]

What’s chromoblastomycosis?

[ad_1] Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic fungal infection that causes wart-like nodules, papillomas, and ulcerated lesions. It is usually found near a wound or trauma to the lower limbs and can spread to subcutaneous tissue. Treatment includes antifungal drugs and surgery. The condition is rarely fatal. Also called Fonseca’s disease, pheosporotrichosis, and Pedroso’s disease, the skin […]

What’s a thyroglossal cyst?

[ad_1] A thyroglossal cyst is a mass on the neck caused by a congenital defect of the thyroglossal duct. Small cysts may not require treatment, but larger or infected cysts may need surgery. Diagnosis is made through physical exam, ultrasound, and tissue analysis. Treatment options include antibiotics and surgery. A thyroglossal cyst is an abnormal […]

What’s a crypt?

[ad_1] Crypts are underground chambers used to store human remains, relics, and objects of religious or cultural value. They are commonly found under churches and on cemetery grounds. Crypts are typically single-chambered and lined with stone. They may contain sarcophagi, ossuaries, and chests of precious or sacred items. Visiting crypts can be interesting for religious […]

What’s a $1M block?

[ad_1] A million dollar block is a neighborhood with enough imprisoned residents to spend at least one million dollars on prison bills. Focusing resources on these areas could reduce crime and incarceration rates, freeing up funds for social services. Many of these blocks have high poverty and minority populations. Crime mapping can help identify these […]

What’s Zaleplon?

[ad_1] Zaleplon is a non-benzodiazepine medication used to promote sleep, but caution should be taken when using it for longer periods as it can become addictive. It has specific dosages and can cause side effects and interact with other medications. Zaleplon, also sold in the United States under the brand name Sonata®, is a medication […]

What’s a Social Security Office?

[ad_1] Social Security offices provide physical access to government representatives who can assist with various issues such as applying for benefits, rectifying identity theft problems, and accessing records. Social Security numbers are used to identify individuals and link to their earnings, credit, and criminal history. Other government offices often work closely with Social Security offices. […]

What’s a Legislator’s role?

[ad_1] A legislator creates laws and in the US, they belong to the legislative branch of government. The US government has a separation of powers to prevent corruption. In other countries, legislators may also enforce laws. In the US, Representatives serve two-year terms and Senators serve for six years. Laws must receive a certain number […]

What’s Independence?

[ad_1] Independence means freedom for countries that were once colonized. Colonization involved unfair treatment, land theft, and exploitation. Independence allows for self-determination, a constitution, and the right to vote. It is celebrated as a national holiday. Independence is an important word for most of the countries in the world. It means freedom, but for most […]