Must Super Bowl MVP be on winning team?

Super Bowl V is considered the ugliest football game ever due to turnovers, penalties, and an officiating mistake. Despite the Baltimore Colts winning, Chuck Howley of the Dallas Cowboys was named MVP, the first and only time for a losing player. Howley was a talented athlete in multiple sports and was surprised by the award. […]

Winning a pediatric critical care grant?

To become a pediatric critical care specialist, one must complete post-secondary education, medical school, residency, and a fellowship. This involves intense study and training, including prerequisites in science and math, residency in pediatric medicine, and completion of a fellowship program. Once completed, one can work regularly in pediatric critical care. Licensing requirements vary by location. […]

Winning a pulm crit care grant?

To apply for a pulmonary critical care fellowship, applicants must compile a range of documents and register with a centralized matching service. After ranking their preferred programs, they may be invited for interviews before receiving offers. The matching process is tentative and competitive, so applicants should rank enough programs to increase their chances of success. […]

What’s winning “fair and loyal” mean?

The idiom “fair and square” means winning without cheating or unscrupulous methods. It can be used in contests, business dealings, and to denote a clear victory. The phrase has been around for over 500 years and derives its meaning from the figurative meaning of “square” as honest. If someone wins something “right and proper,” it […]

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