Ministries in religion are led by ministers, who can be clergy or laypeople. Religious education is important for ministers, who may study history, scriptures, and counseling. Ministries can include educating children, music, and community service. Laypeople often coordinate these ministries. Administrative positions are also important for congregational functions. Anyone willing to serve others and their faith can participate in a ministry.
A ministry is usually defined as a program led by a minister. In the Christian faith, a minister can be a member of the clergy or a layman. However, most religions have various ministries where each member can feel useful.
The most obvious first thought that comes to mind when asking a question about ministries is being a member of the clergy. Regardless of religion, this vocation usually includes a time for research and discernment as to whether this vocation is indeed the true path for a person. If a person decides that this is the path he wants to take, the next step is usually seminary or other religious education.
While Jewish rabbis and Muslim imams, for example, are not “ordained,” as such, they are regarded as the religious leaders of their congregations and, as such, are educated to fill that role. This religious education may take place at a college or school sponsored by the local congregation. Ministers of any religion generally study the history of their religions, their holy scriptures and other sacred writings, and religious observance. Many religions also offer counseling and even business courses to assist the minister in conducting the affairs of the congregation.
Ministries in religious groups often focus on educating children. In the Christian faith, this includes the Sunday school curriculum, which includes lessons from children to adults, often before the main worship service. Young Jews can also attend a religious school, where they learn more about their faith. Youth ministers may be appointed or hired to help coordinate children’s educational programs. A youth minister or children’s education minister may or may not have a degree in religion. Many are volunteers who love children and want to help them learn and grow in faith.
Choir directors and those who perform similar functions certainly participate in the ministries of their congregation. They may or may not have a music degree, although most do. Other church musicians, such as pianists and organists, also view their contributions to their congregations as their ministry.
Religious ministries also include such diverse activities as hospice ministry, hospital visits, prayer ministry, elder care, mission programs, food pantries, and clothing closets. These ministries are often coordinated by lay people within their congregations. In general, the only thing needed to start a particular ministry is an interested person who is willing to recruit others.
Some ministries seem more mundane, but are vital to congregational functions. These include administrative positions that help oversee the physical needs of the venue, finances and staff relations. Often these are laymen voted into office by a council of members and serve specific terms.
Ministries come in as many varieties as there are members in any religious congregation. The only requirement is a spirit willing to serve others and one’s faith.