Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that individuals have unique ways of learning that are often not addressed in traditional education. He identifies eight distinct intelligences, including verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, and naturalist. Gardner created this theory to assist students with different cognitive functions in dealing with various topics. Most people possess skill levels in many of the areas of multiple intelligences, but exceptional talent in one area above all others is common.
Howard Gardner pioneered the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983 with his groundbreaking book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. The underlying principle of the work is that individuals have unique ways of learning cognition that are often not addressed in the typical educational setting. A particularly important part of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is that it provides eight distinct paths for learning. Gardner, through his creation of multiple intelligences, contributed not only to the theory of education but to the understanding of unique cognitive functions.
Gardner lays out eight distinct intelligences that he believes are rooted in brain development, with each individual’s reaction to internal or external stimuli being linked to their intelligence. Gardner further theorizes that people use their inherent brain responses to help them solve problems in all situations. For example, a person with strong logical/mathematical intelligence can look at a piece of writing and distinguish the structure and logic behind the included components, while a musical person can relate well to the rhythm of the writing.
Individuals generally exhibit strength in one of the following multiple intelligences: verbal/linguistic, logical/mathematical, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual/spatial, bodily/kinaesthetic, or naturalist.
Believing that most educational situations are heavily skewed towards one verbal/linguistic or logical/mathematical style, Gardner created multiple intelligences to assist those students who may possess a different type of cognitive function in dealing with various topics. Most people possess skill levels in many of the areas of multiple intelligences; however, the underwhelming trend is exceptional talent in one area above all others.
Verbal/linguistic intelligence is characterized by a talent for reading, writing and communicating with words.
Logical/mathematical intelligence implies excellent reasoning skills and the ability to calculate and see things in an orderly way.
Visual/spatial intelligence usually belongs to people whose cognitive responses revolve around images and visualization, such as navigation and drawing.
Musical intelligence is seen in people who are talented in composing music, singing or rhythm.
Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence appears more in people who would be described as “practical.” They are usually able to use their bodies in some way when tackling projects like building a model, starring in a show, or performing surgery.
Interpersonal intelligence is associated with people who thrive on working well with others, have large doses of empathy, and understand the motivations of others.
Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to reflect on oneself, understand one’s motivations and talents, and accept one’s ability to succeed.
Naturalist Intelligence was a 1996 addition to the original list. People with a naturalist skill have a knack for recognizing parts of the natural world and using that understanding productively.