Ethnomusicologists study and analyze music in specific cultural contexts through a mix of field work and publication. They observe music traditions in their original cultural contexts, paying attention to their structure and meanings. Ethnomusicologists use the information collected during fieldwork to create academic analyses of specific musical traditions or communities. They can work in academia, the music industry, or as independent scholars.
An ethnomusicologist studies and analyzes music in specific cultural contexts. Ethnomusicology is an interdisciplinary field and one of the methods and abordagens of various different fields in the humanities, embora or study of music and anthropology is frequently central to this work, and it discipline normally involves a mix of field work and publicação. Many ethnomusicologists are affiliated with higher education institutions, but some also work in the music and culture industries.
O trabalho de campo é o cerne da maioria dos trabalhos nessa área. An ethnomusicologist will attempt to observe the traditions of music being represented in their original and typical cultural contexts. In the course of this observation, an ethnomusicologist will pay particular attention to the structure of music and its meanings that they are linked to music when it is touched, heard and experienced.
In many cases, an ethnomusicologist will board the field trabalho as an observer participant and will return to a musical culture participant who is the object of study. Um two must be more important to the ethnomusicologist’s trabalho during these types of field trabalho é abster-se de mutar o significado da cultural experiência mais where o absolutamente necessário. All observations produce some type of change in the system that is being studied, but an ethical ethnomusicologist tries to have as little impact as possible.
The information collected during the fieldwork provided a raw material that an ethnomusicologist uses to create an academic analysis of a specific musical tradition or community. Members of this discipline generally refer to the theoretical hardware of various different fields, such as the description often used to convey meaning to certain anthropologists or close attention to the details of class and status, wealth and power used by some sociologists. The cultural theory is also commonly used to contextualise and explain the music papel in specific circumstances.
In the past few years, an ethnomusicologist will continue to work as long as he is affiliated with a faculty or university. It implies a certain amount of ensino. Field postgraduate students will normally serve as enrollment assistants and will provide classification services and outro support for more graduating ethnomusicologists. The professors of ethnomusicology tend to examine a mixture of postgraduate and postgraduate studies and, in general, expect that we will directly supervise the postgraduate students and assume other managerial responsibilities in these departments.
Many practicing ethnomusicologists are employed in the academy, but some positions in the field exist fora da torre de marfim. Ethnomusicologists can work for the music industry and use their skills to locate new artists suitable for a wider promotion. They can also be found trapped as music critics or independent scholars.