Check bits are binary digits used to indicate errors in data, but they are not always reliable. Parity is a method of error checking using a check bit, with odd or even parity determined by the total number of units in the binary sequence. Even with parity, multiple errors may be undetectable. More complex error detection methods exist, but a single control bit is often sufficient for simple error identification in computing.
A check bit is an additional binary zero or zero used to indicate an incorrect condition within the information. In situations where data can develop more than one error at the same time, using a check bit to indicate errors is not completely reliable. Control bits are often used with serially transmitted data or to ensure that computational memory works properly. One or zero can be used to indicate an error depending on the type of parity used.
Parity is the process of checking for errors when check bits are used. A check bit is often called a parity bit. If the total amount of units in a correct binary sequence including the check bit is an odd amount of units, this is called odd parity. Even parity is when the total amount of units in the data and the control bit together add up to an even amount.
For example, suppose a person wants to transmit the seven-bit binary sequence 1100101. There are four in this number, so if he wanted to add one bit to create odd parity, he would add a 1 to the final set, thus creating the number 11001011. If a person decides to use even parity, they will add a 0 instead of a 1 to the end, thus producing 11001010. The choice of even or odd parity is typically a matter of established standards or the choice of the designer. This is the simplest form of using a control bit.
Imagine what happens when the odd parity string 11001011 is transmitted. If a one or zero is changed in number before it reaches its destination, the sum total of ones will equal an even amount, thus indicating that there is an error in the data. On the other hand, if an error is introduced in an even parity sequence, an odd number of units will occur. If two or more numbers change in transit, it may be impossible to detect an error using a single control bit because both errors together could create the original parity.
More complex methods have been developed for error detection in computer science. In cases where simple error identification is sufficient, however, it is often sufficient to use a single control bit. How characters are encoded in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) or the Extended Binary-Coded Decimal-Interchange Code (EBCDIC) are examples of how a single control bit is used in computing. Check bits, parity, and other error detection schemes play a vital role in ensuring that data manipulated by computable processes remains free from unwanted side effects caused by noise and incorrect conditions.