A deposit bag is a reusable bag used to transport cash and checks to the bank for deposit, often provided for free by banks to business customers. They can be locked and come in various designs, but are not a guarantee against theft. They can also be purchased from vendors.
A deposit bag is a reusable bag to use to take cash and checks to the bank to make a deposit. The bag is made of strong material designed to withstand wear and tear and can be locked to make the contents less accessible. Banks often provide these bags for free to business customers, the people most likely to end up with a large load of cash and checks to carry, and individual customers can usually get them on request.
The deposit bag is typically small and rectangular, with an understated design that often includes a bank logo. It can be easily stored in a briefcase or other transport container. Lockable tank bags come with locking zippers and some may have a space for a label so people can write their names and contact information on the bag.
Such bags are especially useful for night deposits, where people need to be able to deposit deposits after hours. Some banks make special tamper-evident bags, designed to alert the teller in the morning if someone has tampered with the bag or its contents. Regular bank deposit bags can also be used, with zipper bags generally recommended so that the contents do not fall out in the overnight bank drop. If a bank receives a deposit bag destined for another financial institution by accident, it typically sends a broker to drop off the bag or contacts the account holder.
The tank bag is not insurance against theft. Even in the case of a lockable bag, a determined thief can open the bag by other means and extract the contents. People carrying such bags are generally advised to observe common-sense precautions, such as hiding the bag among other belongings so it is not obvious, and watching those around them for obvious signs of possible theft. Employees required to leave an overnight deposit may also request a police escort if they are handling a lot of money and are concerned about security.
In addition to being available through banks, deposit bags can also be purchased directly from vendors that carry things like checkbooks, coin supplies, etc. If people want bags with special features, they can turn to these vendors to meet their needs. In cases where a bank charges for deposit bags, ordering a deposit bag can sometimes be a less expensive option.
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