The Federal Aviation Administration sets standards for three types of flight instructor certifications: Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII), and Multiple Engine Instructor (MEI). To obtain these ratings, pilots must pass written tests and meet specific requirements. CFIs can only instruct in VFR weather, while CFIIs teach in IFR weather and help students achieve instrument pilot ratings. MEIs teach students to fly multi-engine aircraft. Flight instructors may also obtain and instruct other ratings.
A flight instructor is an individual who teaches people how to fly aircraft. Flying and instruction regulations are created and enforced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA sets specific standards for three different types of flight instructor certifications that a flight instructor can earn.
When a pilot decides he would like to instruct others to fly, he must become a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). To obtain his CFI rating, a pilot already has his commercial pilot’s license and a second class doctor. He will need to take two written tests and obtain a passing score of over 70%. One of the tests covers terrestrial school supplies, while the other is concerned with teaching principles. After completing the written portion of his tests, he will be able to take a general check to obtain his CFI rating.
Once a flight instructor obtains their CFI rating, they must only instruct students in what is commonly referred to as “VFR weather”. VFR (Visual Flight Rules) is a set of regulations that determine specific minimum weather conditions and airspace in which a pilot can operate. Instructors and students are visually responsible for maintaining separation from other aircraft and inclement weather.
If an instructor wishes to teach a student to fly in adverse weather conditions or below the VFR minimum, the student must obtain a Certified Flight Instructor Instrument (CFII) rating. CFIIs fly in IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) weather, which requires them to rely solely on their instruments when operating an aircraft. In addition, they help their students achieve the instrument pilot rating by teaching them to fly “under the hood”. A hood is a large piece of plastic that fits over a student’s head and forces them to look at their instruments and not outside the plane. A pilot must also pass all the requirements of a CFI rating in order to obtain his CFII rating.
The final type of flight instructor rating is a Multiple Engine Instructor (MEI) rating. CFIs who choose to teach students to fly multi-engine aircraft must obtain the MEI rating. To earn an MEI rating, a flight instructor must already have their CFI rating and five hours of pilot time in command of any multi-engine airplane they are instructing. Instrument Instructor (MEII). It is also important to note that flight instructors may obtain and instruct other ratings such as glider and hot air balloon.