A pre-sentence report is compiled after a detailed investigation into a criminal’s life and circumstances, including medical and psychological records, to aid judges in determining the best sentencing option. The report includes information on available programs for rehabilitation and is not usually public record.
In many criminal cases, a guilty verdict is not immediately followed by a sentence. This is often due to the need for an investigation into some aspect of the offender’s life and community support system. At the end of the investigation, a pre-conviction report is compiled and delivered to the judge to provide a detailed picture of the perpetrator and the circumstances of the crime; it also offers additional information used to determine the best sentencing option for a particular offender. The pre-sentence ratio is used by judges around the world to help determine how dangerous a criminal might be, how likely the offender is to reoffend, what type of sentence would be an effective method of rehabilitation or punishment, and what type of support that the offender could have at the end of the sentence.
The pre-sentence report is usually prepared by a probation officer authorized by a probation service or other department of correction after a detailed pre-sentence investigation. An investigation includes a detailed look at a criminal’s background and social history, medical records and psychological reports, not just the criminal record. Many times the bailiff will ask the offender to fill out a medical history form to aid in the investigation and presentation of the facts to the judge. This form usually provides information such as marital status, children, employment history, religious preference and involvement, hobbies, interests, and financial status. Information of this type can help the court understand who the offender is outside the crime.
Other information contained in a pre-sentence report generally consists of a detailed report of all the circumstances surrounding the crime, including those not admitted as evidence at trial, and a victim impact statement. These reports and statements allow the court to understand what happened before the crime, during the crime and after the crime. The statements also discuss the victim and her family, how the crime has affected them and how likely it is to continue to impact them.
Even more technical data is usually included in the pre-sentence report. The officer completing the report must determine what programs may be available to assist the offender. Included in the report are treatment centers, vocational training, special education services, mental health services, rehabilitation services, various institutions to which the offender may be sentenced, and specific programs within those facilities. Also included are other residential facilities or probation departments that are relevant to the situation of the particular offense and the sentencing offense.
Because the pre-judgment report generally contains highly sensitive information, it is usually sealed and not a matter of public record in most jurisdictions. A copy of the complaint is given to the perpetrator, the guardian of the minor and the defender of the perpetrator. It is generally permissible to file objections and amendment requests before the court to correct any errors before the ruling. Once a judge has reviewed the pre-sentence report, he issues a specific ruling based on the statute and his understanding of the crime, the impact on the victim and the offender as presented through the investigation and the pre-sentence report .